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There's always a lot of talk on here about "bad" parents. You know, the ones who hassle the coaches or, shock, brag about their kids.

Today I heard about several HS seniors who didn't go out for baseball this year because they were going to FL for spring break...alone.

What kind of parent would let their HS child go to FL for spring break alone? Are people really that stupid? Do they really think the kids are going to Disney World to see Mickey?

I am constantly amazed by people's ability to be morons.
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When I was in high school too many moons ago that I don't even want to count, I remember that some of my classmates (from my all-girl high school) went to Florida alone for spring break...actually "Easter Vacation, to be precise...)....Did I never want to join them because I knew my parents would ABSOLUTELY NOT ALLOW IT!!!!! or because my fair skin and the sun were not a good combination... I think that this has been going on for a really long time, it's just that word gets out very quickly and very thoroughly about the really bad stuff that happens. But let's face it, really bad stuff happens on college campuses, too........(Just heard about the situation at Auburn... Frown)

When I went to college, I discovered that the girls graduated to going out of the country to the Bahamas for Spring Break...Of course, alone....

No, my children would not be allowed to's a wonder that I insist that they go out of state for college!

And yes, biggerpapi, people can be stupid...and morons, too....
Last edited by play baseball
My daughter thought that I was a bad parent once because I said no when her friends were heading off to Cancun for spring break. I live in the land of spring break so that definetly worked against her. Big Grin

I don't think that parents are "bad" just uneducated. However, in defense of the state of Florida and spring break, things have calmed down considerably, that's why they head off to Aruba and Cancun. Eek If fact, Fort Lauderale is very quiet now compared what it used to be, more family orientated.

Unfortunetly, wherever your kids go (spring break, college, to a beach house for the weekend) anything can happen.

What wnt down at Auburn?
Last edited by TPM
i have a few times,over the years worked in the islands in the winter. i have witnesed spring breaks there first hand. i would NEVER EVER let my daughter go to one of these places without me. wild and crazy are milds terms,dangerous and foolish come to mind. at least in florida there is some law.

in all seriousnes don't ever let them go,as a word of caution.
I don't think that parents are "bad" just uneducated.

Don't you think that being uneducated is what makes them a bad parent? Granted you can do everything right and still have things go wrong but I truly believe some parents don't have a clue as to how to raise a child.

It is THE most important job you will ever have and there are a lot of people who fail at it. I see it everyday.

Parents are scared to make their kids mad. They don't want to be the bad parent by saying no. I know parents of kids I teach who would take them to Cancun or wherever and LET them do the Girls Gone Wild stuff.
I'll have to admit it, I pretty much made my own rules as a teenager. I was the last kid, and I guess my parents figured I would turn out okay...

..and I guess I did.

My own kids are far too busy for that kind of trouble. Baseball, debate, and now political rallies! When asked about the "70's" I can only tell them that each generation should improve on the other.
What about the highschools who organize & send their seniors to Mexico for their senior trip????
My highschool's ( ages ago ) senior trip was to Hawaii! At least there the legal drinking age was still 21,..( as if that made a big difference-bah! )

Seriously, they send a half a dozen parents along to " chaperone ".
And this makes it safe? This makes it a " controlled " environment?

Ummmm,......the answer is nope, no-way, no how, not in this lifetime,...ain't gonna happen.
Nuttty nutty nutty.

I made a deal with my son,....

SSMOM to son, " How about we get a group of your senior friends, and we go the College World Series for a few days for senior trip? "

Son relies, " SOLD! "

( Thank goodness!...relief relief relief! Boy did I make out like a bandit on that one. Wink )
Last edited by shortstopmom
themez quote:
Todays kids have this sense of ENTITLEMENT. They gave up baseball to be drunk for a week.

I think the tightening of the much needed "athletic code" has turned that player who has "bubble passion" away. Sure, they want to play but it has to be with their own presribed elbow room. Those same players existed yesterday but had some room to squirm.
Last edited by rz1
SS mom,
I also like that idea. My sons friends are all being allowed to go to Cancuun for graduation. We told our son NO.He told us but I am 18, we said then get a job and pay for it yourself. To which he said but I dont have time for baseball, workouts and to do well in school, and I said then I guess you have your answer.
But the college worldseries sounds like a lot of fun. I am going to mention it to my husband tonight.

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