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who is Number 1" for athletes arrested.

This question was asked in another thread. While I might be sorry for starting this thread, I thought it might be interesting.

We all hear the most news about the colleges closest to where we live. Here in Iowa there have been a large number of college athletes in other sports (not baseball) arrested over the past few years. Some of these are very serious things like rape, drugs and assault charges. I'm thinking if this stuff is going on in Iowa, it's going on everywhere.

I did hear about some serious problems at Penn State. Is pro football and pro basketball setting a dangerous example?

I'm not talking about Steroids that could be considered cheating and potentially harmful to the athlete. I'm talking about violent crimes and felons among the athletes at our colleges.

Is this going on everywhere?
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Just the past year or so has seen a basketball athlete arrested for drug use, a football player arraigned for assault, and another seriously injured after being shot at a party. I have not read any negative stories about local D1 or high school baseball players.

It occurs to me that the nature of the game of baseball is delayed reward, a quality opposite that of football and basketball. With basketball and football, at least here in the Pacific Northwest, the crowds are large. The pre-game and post-game tailgating rowdy and exciting, with cheerleaders, faux explosions of smoke and screaming P.A. announcers. It's fun stuff, but the athletes themselves become almost super-heroes idolized by their fans and, I'm sure, put into situations which can lead them to personal trouble.

Baseball on the other hand is a methodical game of suspense, and of patience, so these athletes by necessity are required to have personal attributes that cause them to deny themselves immediate reward. These kids are likely not seeking the thrill of the arena but the thrill of the grass.
Originally posted by Bum:
With basketball and football, at least here in the Pacific Northwest, the crowds are large. The pre-game and post-game tailgating rowdy and exciting, with cheerleaders, faux explosions of smoke and screaming P.A. announcers. It's fun stuff, but the athletes themselves become almost super-heroes idolized by their fans and, I'm sure, put into situations which can lead them to personal trouble.

You crazed Northwesterners!! You'd never find anything like this in, say, Texas. Wink
I think this is an interesting topic. Steve Howe immediately comes to mind.
A hard-throwing left-hander, Howe's career was plagued by alcohol and cocaine abuse; he first checked himself into a substance abuse clinic in 1983, but a relapse resulted in him being suspended for the entire 1984 season. Over the course of his 17-year career, Howe would be suspended seven times.
PG Staff,
Interesting. I think a lot has to do with the media and what and how they choose to report. We have had a few Michael Vicks around our area that raised and destroyed pit bulls. Since they didn't play football no one even knows their name --- or cares what their name is --- just a small article on page two. Same goes with politicians. Since some have become the target of the media they too get a lot of intense press. Heaven forbid if one of their daughters gets pregnant out of wedlock (especially republicans). I know of a lot of unwed pregnancies around here but no media coverage. DUI happens often and too frequently but the way the press reports it you would think athletes are the only ones that drink. The crime capital of the USA, Chicago alone had 34,734 crimes committed in the month of November alone. Oct 26 - Nov 25. Crime in Chicago
Since I don't recall any specific crime in that area there probable weren't any athletes amongst them ---- and being from Chicago may be the reason Hopperhop doesn't want to talk about it. Big Grin
Not removed from high school ball at all...It is out there, pretty easy to find if you look...

...most of us have seen/heard of HS athletes with adjusted grades, phantom attendance, hushed brushes with the law and school authority...Sadly we are a culture where celebrity and talent often skirts responsibility...


Take a young man with talent...often from a broken home...Now, before he develops any values...Treat him better than the pack because of that talent..take away any responsibility for his actions both on the field, off the field, on the road, in the classroom...make his celebrity, his talent and his "possee" his "family"...give him MTV culture as his model for life...put him in a larger culture that has has come to value celebrity over character...celebrate/splash him all over the media...make him a superstar...then reward him with gifts as long as he produces...all before he is 18...and develops any life values...

Why we are surprised/shocked?


BTW...agree with baseball assessment, delayed gratification makes some difference...and keeps some young talent out of the game.
Last edited by observer44
Not including F-Ball, S****, B-Ball, nor college
yet as for just Baseball...

The list get's pretty long in a hurry.

Denny McClain would probably make the top five.
Pete Rose is in that mix.
Unfortanately, Joe Jackson too.

Derek Bell for drugs.

Chuck Finley and wife Tawny Kitaen for spousal abuse and battery

Jim Leyritz for alleged manslaughter and suspicion of DUI

Jeez, Ty Cobb was arrested for fighting (in 1914).

Frank Francisco for felony battery

Scott Erickson for domestic violence

Julio Mateo arrested on suspicion of forgery

Mickey and Willie when suspended by MLB were close, until they disassociated themselves and were reprieved.

Koby Clemens charged with disorderly conduct.

A Korean professional, Mr. A, arrested for seduction

Jose Offerman arrested two counts of second-degree assault felony.
Refined response (and politically correct too):

Is there more crime or is there more media competing for "the story"? How many cable news shows are there? And recently there's been the addition of news media competition on the internet. Everything that can be twisted into a story will be.

At one point cable news obsoleted the network evening news. Now the internet is turning cable news into old news. The competition is fierce.

Note: PG, thank you for your cooperation.
Last edited by tedballgame
It ain't always who you think of first.

UVA has had a terrible run of athletes in trouble with the law. Going back 10-12 years it was basketball players. Now it seems we get a couple of football guys every year.

But I don't know that anyone thinks of UVA as a harborer of criminals. Maybe some schools just need better PR?
who is Number 1" for athletes arrested.

I've heard tell that the ToraBora Giants were pretty much all arrested as we swept through eastern Afghanistan. They've reformed at Guantanamo, but their field is only large enough for a batter's box and about 30 feet of first-base line.

Nonetheless, there is also a rumor that the Pirates are in contract talks with two of their pitchers.
Last edited by Krakatoa
Originally posted by Midlo Dad:
It ain't always who you think of first.

UVA has had a terrible run of athletes in trouble with the law. Going back 10-12 years it was basketball players. Now it seems we get a couple of football guys every year.

But I don't know that anyone thinks of UVA as a harborer of criminals. Maybe some schools just need better PR?

Hmmm, I don't remember this. UVA was probably eclipsed by Va Tech. They featured Marcus Vick and his notorious big brother Michael.
woody, i don't know if I ever mentioned it before, but........

Cisco Kid was a friend of mine
The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine
He drink whiskey, Poncho drink the wine
He drink whiskey, Poncho drink the wine

We met down on the fort of Rio Grande
We met down on the fort of Rio Grande
Eat the salted peanuts out of can
Eat the salted peanuts out the can

The outlaws had us pinned down at the fort
The outlaws had us pinned down at the fort
Cisco came in blastin', drinkin' port
Cisco came in blastin', drinkin' port

They rode the sunset, horse was made of steel
They rode the sunset, horse was made of steel
Chased the gringo last night through a field
Chased the gringo last night through a field

The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine
The Cisco Kid he was a friend of mine
The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine
The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine

Cisco Kid was a friend of mine
The Cisco Kid he was a friend of mine
The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine
The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine

Cisco Kid he was a friend of mine
The Cisco Kid he was a friend of mine
The Cisco Kid he was a friend of mine
Originally posted by FrankF:
OJ just sentenced to 15 years.

Finally some good Karma.

One of the judges comments at the beginning of sentencing was that she wasn't sure at the beginning of the trial if OJ was arrogant or ignorant, but now she believes him to be both.

Then she handed down the sentence, which I think included some community service, to which OJ asked the judge if counseling Plaxico on prison ettiquette counted? Smile

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