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Is anyone else (other than the Redsox fans) missing baseball yet? Or am I just way too obsessed? Do you remember how irritable everyone seemed to get last January? I have a feeling that it is going to be a long winter!

I know that my two bird dogs are very happy to see my renewed interest in them, as hunting season approaches. I'm curious, what activities are you involved in during the off season? How do you pass the time until spring?

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I agree with Callaway and the other posters; I think this is going to feel like an unusually long off-season. My son is in his first year of college and I didn't get a chance to see any Fall practices or scrimmages, so I am really looking forward to seeing the team in the Spring and watching my first college game (other than on TV).
Agree ... withdrawal is going to be tough. But I didn't enjoy the World Series as much as the ACLS and NCLS ... (only because it was so lopsided with the sweep ... not due to lack of talent) so I actually started going thru withdrawal after game 2 of the W/S.

Orlando ...
On the pro side....105 days until Pitchers and Catchers.

Funny ... I counted 111, presuming Feb 15. But we don't know specific date for sure.
I used to have withdrawals but not so any more. Years ago baseball used to be a simpler game. It was divided into two main categories, games and practice. But now, into his third year of college ball, it seems as if the baseball really never ends. The brutal 12-15 hours of travel to watch a weekend home series has one looking forward to a break. The week at Cape Cod this summer to watch summer ball was a real pleasure but again, 4 days of driving is not what I call true pleasure. Fall baseball was short but very intense. The one weekend we went down to watch games and practice and the almost daily phone calls from my son updating me on the “four on ones”, has, and continues to fill most of the voids left by the actual competition. Add in the time consuming searches of Baseball America,, HSBBW, and making and receiving phone calls and emails about baseball keeps one involved in the game. Fifteen years of daily baseball and you are still stumbling over a vast array of bats, balls, gloves, catching equipment, tape, newspaper clippings and pics that consumed our house. Homerun and game balls adorn our mantle, the walls in the den reflect the awards for years of baseball from “T” ball through high school. His college jerseys is framed and greets you as you walk into the house. Withdrawals? Not here. At our house baseball seems to be omnipresent. The game of baseball is not confined to a season nor is it limited to 9 innings, it’s a continuing thing that last a lifetime.
Half...I'm sure he's hoping that some day he'll have to make that kind of decision.

I used to be a Cubs fan before the days of Richie Allen and the White Sox. Cubs did nothing then.

Now...They sell the "park" (filled with out of towners as a vacation destination) and the "experience"...drunken bums in the bleachers and the Tribune making GAZILLIONS on the team.

Let's see: lf...No Alou and his 39 hrs and 120 rbis;
cf...Corey Patterson, at about 5'8", swinging from his "a.." at every pitch in every situation (has no clue on how to play a major league game...he still thinks he's at the CABA World Series in Crystal Lake)rf...Sammycork is gone. Won't have the opportunity to see him get "corked" on the top of the head with one of his many misjudged fly balls/line drives. I've always liked Sammy's talent (who can argue with this hr and rbi numbers) but he doesn't handle losing well.
3B...Ramirez...I like a lot; ss...not much to choose even if Nomar is re-signed...he gets tons of meaningless hits and he doesn't have the "monster" to pepper with fly balls; 2b..What a disaster...everyone knew that the .300+ year that Grudz had was a fluke; Walker is ok...1B...Lee is best over-all Cubs player; c...How is Bako in the majors? Help me out here...Barrett is an offensive player with no defensive skills...brutal behind the plate.
Pitching...Prior will will 15; Maddux will win 15; Clement is gone to the Pennsylvania hills; Wood...will win 15...bullpen is brutal except for LaTroy...Farnsworth has physical skills but "What are you thinking?"...He needs to learn a change up or a second pitch of some kind.

On the other hand....Cubbies have really been trying to improve their club so far in the off-season...They fired two broadcasters; fired the third base coach; fired conditioning coaches; fired trainers; fired 6 beer vendors; fired 2 pretzel vendors; fired the person who was supposed to pay for the building permit; secured stronger netting for the concrete falling on their fans' heads.

We all know that all of this helps the team ON THE FIELD.

Sox...Will win 92 games next season and just miss the playoffs. Will be fun watching them play. No promises. A couple of players away from serious contention. They need a defensive shortstop and front-line starters/pitching.

To answer your question: If you are in the majors, it really doesn't matter unless the option is the Yankees where they just THROW MONEY on anyone and you're in the world's biggest fishbowl!
Answer to your withdrawal;

On the 16 December our five teams of 13-18 year old American players will travel to Australia to play the very strong State Teams from South Australia, Western Australia and New South Wales. We will play a total of 62 games in 14 days.

You are welcome to join this group of players, parents and professional coaches.

There are four ML scouts traveling as coaches and one current professional player.

Our web site <> will report on the daily games and life in sunny and warm Australia. This is a "teaching" and player development trip.

Bob Williams

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