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A lot of teams will post several players who end up not showing up for one reason or another, just to have them eligible.

In the summer tourneys, I would say you usually see 15 guys there for a typical team at a typical game. Sometimes pitchers come and go, though, so that same team might have 18 different guys there over the course of the week.

Other teams do bring limited rosters to assure constant playing time, though. So you will see teams with only 12-13 players. That means a lot of 2-way guys.
You can go to the PG/WWBA website and check the tournaments from last summer---they show the rosters asnd you can judge for yourself

The way I look at it you need to carry a minimum of 12 pitchers and 3 catchers along with position players otherwise you will find yourself with a lot of used up arms in short order
2007 17u WWBA, we had one of those "unique" teams...put together pretty much for that showcasing...18 were rostered...5 did not make it...1 was "emergency" player...we had 12 playing regularly.

One or two were strictly pitchers...two were strictly position we had 8-9 two-ways. Worked out well in our case (some rain may have helped), but can see where pitching would be an issue trying that consistently. Every now and then, would look across to see 25-30 in other dugout. We played some well known teams good games, ended up in top 16.

Of the 13, I believe 2 are not playing now (one because of grades), 3 @ JC's and 8 @ D-1's.

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