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Is it possible to make up for lost time in baseball, at the age of 21 after excluding your self from the whole High school, and college process?

Coaches always saw something very vibrant, and consistently stated that I possesed alot of potential.....

(I'm currently 21)..Junior year in high school, as a pitcher I threw a consistent 86-88. All arm...No one around me had the proper knowledge to educated me with the proper mechanics to Use my lower body to producer more prower and, to relieve some of that stress from the arm...

I already regret my drift away from baseball. I'm wondering where would I currently fit in baseball...And what would be the Highest level of progress that I can achieve on my current status?

I'm currently Working in a Museum Here in New york city, and attending Computer tech school..
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Playmaker - I believe you posted several months ago with this question. I think the advice is all the same.

I will tell you that I know a kid that's on a college roster of a very good program this fall who graduated from HS two years ago and who hasn't played baseball since. He even received a tiny bit of baseball money. NOW, what he will do with that opportunity I don't know. He's received it and now it's up to him.

Good luck to you.
I think you stated AS a pitcher in HS you had good velocity. At your current age, that was 2-3 years ago? I am not sure of your objective, pro ball?
Pitching is based on muscle memory and conditioning the body properly and learning proper mechanics (as most positions).
If you have kept that up,I suppose anything is possible, but if not, it would take years to get back to where you need to be to throw with any velocity, without injury.
Throwing at 86-88 and pitching are two different things!
Last edited by TPM
Well...I've always possessed a greater then Average arm(with good control), specifically on every team I've played for....Always had good feilding instincts....And Average Bat...

I came up as a 3B man, and my arm being one of the factors of that matter(During Junior High years)...
After that every other team I've played for needed pitching, and I rose to the occasion everytime(not having pitching mechanics)...I happend prove my self as a pitcher. Coaches immediately take the bat away from you, and since they dont really care about your future it's all about how you benefit them...So..Are pitchers molded? or do they Rise to the occasion and prove them selves....And yes I started to show good signs of a pitcher in the making. Later on, I developed a slider at age 15...When i got to high school I then Perfected my change up and, Curve ball...

I was persuing this dream all alone. I was raised by a single parent(My mother) ..I didn't have anyone to give me direction, or anyone to orientate me on whats good for me as a baseball player..Coaches Manipulated me.

Still, I went to shea stadium junior, and seanior year to recieve League leader awards as a pitcher
(03'...K's, and Wins)(04' K's)...Junior year I was over used As a pitcher...

({{}}---this is the link to my high school baseball stats

I hate to take this approach, but, it is Monday, and you did ask. Let me preface it like this. I used to have a nice change, good movement, and am lefthanded. However, it is to late for me to begin a career. I guess while I'm being a bit of a smartasss, I'm also being honest IMO. You have missed probably the most important years of your life as far as baseball is concerned and the body will not lie. By the time you get into pitching shape and have enough experience equivilent to a 21 year old college player you would be at least 25 years old. That is also saying that you would have no injuries or setbacks along the way. With baseball being the type of business it is I would imagine few teams would be interested in a 25 year old with little experience in rookie ball.

With the stats you had in HS it is too bad you did not pursue this 3 years ago.

I like your attitude, but my suggestion is get on with your professional life and attack that with the same gusto you are showing here. On the flip side play baseball for the passion you have for it in an amature environment.

Three years ago you put aside one endever to pursue another, now you want to go back. I think it's time to "man-up".

Sorry if I offended you but you asked.
Last edited by rz1

In your first post you said you excluded yourself from the "whole high school and college process".

In your second post - you said you "perfected your change up and curve ball" in high school.

My only question would be - did you exclude yourself from the whole high school and college process - or did you play in high school and/or college?
Last edited by itsinthegame

Thank you for the Encouragement....Those are exactly the facts that I was looking for.

I did play my 4 full years in high school. I went through minor shoulder injury in the throwing arm during my junior year in high after the playoffs, while i was playing for my legion team here in the city.

I also played fall ball my freshmen year at a juco, but things didn't work out due to conflicting scheduling.

rz1 hit it right in the nose...I also appreciate the bit of credit you yielded for my approach....It was a taught ride all on my own, and having no one to understand my story.

I was slowly drowning...
Last edited by Playmaker03
I am completely confused by this thread. Confused

First you post like you never played baseball in HS, then you did, now you played one fall is JUCO.
I think rz has given you good advice, time to move on. Find an adult league to play on and go out and play for enjoyment or better yet, try out for a pro team. What the heck, anything is possible. Eek I don't think anyone here can give you the answer you are looking for.

Good luck.
Last edited by TPM
I played for Morris High school in the Bronx...

All the information you would want to know is in the link i left up^^^ above, of my high school team and individual stats.

I was also part of the College selects Showcase..(purple team, Cyclones complex)
I wouldn't want to say anything deleterious about the showcase. Business is business, and baseball is baseball, but when you combine them together its a whole different ball game...

My friend Made the traveling team. My perception of it, from his clarification seem like it was more of a acess...

Please Excuse my resentment.

Maybe if i was Tommy Lasorda's nephew the odds would have been different.
Last edited by Playmaker03

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