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Time to Sign Sports is an organization offering showcases, travel teams and placement services of prospective players with colleges. We attended an indoor showcase last year in February. It was well run with a number of mostly assistants from local colleges in tri-state area of NY, Ct., NJ.

They boast of going live where they have pitchers throwing to live batters, particularly indoors at most of their showcases. They are a legitimate organization with a track record of placing players in colleges. I see their owner often at games, particularly at Diamond Nation in NJ. Just make sure your net of colleges is mostly in tri-state area.


I spoke with one of the people who runs the travel teams for summer/fall last year when we were looking for a fall team for my 2016.  We choose not to have him play for them that fall (mostly just because of the cost) but we were on their list for the fall showcase they had in NJ so we saw who was attending school wise.  There was a decent list of local D1, D2 and a few D3 schools but it was not overwhelming in terms of the number or the schools.  

I know one family that spent the summer with the organization and part of the fall and can confirm that they are legit, provide real events and have players from that team committed to D1 and D3 schools.  I would contact them to see if they will provide the list of schools attending this event (not past).  They provided that freely when I asked last fall for that event and even emailed me when additional schools were added.  Those schools weren't on my son's list/not a fit so we did not attend. 

Additionally, another question to ask along with what schools will be in attendance would be who will be there from those schools.  I don't know anything about this event... could be fantastic or not.  But some events pay for a low level non-decision maker such as a volunteer assistant to attend so that they can have a legitimate list of schools in attendance.  Preferably, the HC or RC will be the representative.

Good luck and give feedback afterward if you go!

I spoke to them yesterday.  They were very nice.  But they said this is a showcase not a camp.  So colleges are not paid to attend and therefore they have no idea who will actually attend.  They said they have a lot of colleges who have shown interest.  For us because my son is most likely a D3 player, and I think a lot of their schools are D1 or higher academic D3, it might not be worth it for us.  They also offer recruiting services but a little high for my budget, $6,900.  But they sounded like they do a great job and really know all the coaches of the colleges.

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