quote:For some reason, today of all days, I started searching other job choices. One that interested me the most was involving the sport I love, baseball and for some weird reason recruiting interested me greatly at the college and pro level. Scouting/recruiting has been on my mind all day. I know I am young and should worry about getting good grades so I can get in college in the first place but I have good grades A-B, straight A's last report card and all A's on exams, and I like this idea.
Hope this doesn't dim your thoughts, but thought I would post... Having spent roughly 2/3rds of my life doing what you are interested in... If you are interested in making a lot of money, there are many better occupations.
On the other hand, if you want to do something that is interesting, challenging and if you absolutely love baseball... Then go for it!
You probably aren't thinking ahead that far, but it is not always the most conducive to raising a family. Then again that will depend on your future spouse. That will be a critical ingredient if you do choose that profession. People usually don't get into those fields if money is the major influence.
It's neat that you are thinking about it, though. Sports Management could be something to think about. Why not shoot for the front office?