quote:Originally posted by soxnole:
UK...true but irrelevant to the discussion, let alone stating the obvious.
How is it irrelevant?
Parents put too much focus on travel ball/Summer, how many showcases can we afford to have my son enter, etc?
It isn't some magic potion to guarantee every wish simply b/c your son plays travel ball over HS or vice versa.
Picking one or the other likely matters very little in the overall development of a baseball athlete picking one or the other.
I'd rather practice less with a quality instructor than more with a poor one.
The only that gets discussed in travel/HS debates in trying to compare them to one another rather than what separates them from each other for that individual child.
Very seldom does the quality of coaches get mentioned nor does the actual effort an athlete puts into it get mentioned, it's not stating the obvious b/c so many kids don't do much beyond what is expected, the kids with the great make-up stick out it doesn't require talent to do yet is extremely hard to find. Just b/c you pay for something (showcase, travel, equip.) doesn't automatically that he'll get the most out of it. It's up to the child to get the most out of something, not some HS or travel ball program. Some kids and way too many parents look for excuses rather than looking closer to home when something doesn't go their child's way. Most of the time it is a lack of god given ability and sometime effort as to why he didn't develop as you had hoped rather than some coaching flaw.