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Reply to "Interesting Approach"

This response of .. " would you go...?" is understandable from a coaching standpoint where a coaching staff is trying to find some reasonability between forming a club and ADMISSIONS, BUSINESS OFFICE, DEAN OF SCHOOL that's hosting the youngster's major, and a host of other issues. I've supported this approach many times and found it to weed out those kids looking for a baseball factory, not to mention the stars in good ole dad's eyes for MLB and beyond. In fact, in response to some of the negative remarks about this kind of approach, I've responded this way:
If you’re headed for a college career, or you have hopes of one, toughen up now. Learn to depend on yourself more and more. Set priorities for you that really matter. By the way – staying out in the field and working on your pitch location and velocity while neglecting homework is a sure fire way to have a “Thanks But No Thanks” in your mailbox from an Admissions Office. Colleges are not sports complexes - much to the surpirse of many There places of education and career advancement. At this point, ask yourself this, if you weren’t offered baseball – would you still go? If your answer is “ heck no!”, I’ll bet you even money you’ll be bagging groceries for a long, long time. Oh, there’s nothing wrong with that as a profession, but the economic and social amities are kind of limited.

Coach B.