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Reply to "Service Academy Draftee"

Originally posted by theEH:
In my view, deciding that playing short season ball in Podunk is somehow worth “millions of dollars in free advertising and PR” is making light of the commitment of those who serve. Oh, and then a little TDY as a recruiter.

There you go again Slamming one's commitment to there country and there obligation as a Officer.
Like there not as Loyal and Honorable as the next soldier.

Don't tell me TPM that is not what Orlando meant with this statement.

EH. My post was in answer to CPZL's; hence the quoted post from him. In that post, he asked that the commitment made by those who enlist (in this case, he and his son) not be made light of. I answered that the Academies' policy and his own statements about the perceived PR and advertising value of playing minor league ball in Podunk (as regularly used in baseball circles to describe the small towns in which the introductory levels of baseball are played) made light of the commitment of those, be they Academy graduates or any other enlistees, who serve, as promised, in military endeavors, whatever they be.

As I have stated previously, I do not understand the 'advertising' value of toiling in the obscurity of the minors. And I do not agree with the policy of modifying the cadets' service in order to play professional sports as if that endeavor is more valuable than the one for which they originally committed.

I'm sure you will interpret this to mean whatever you so choose. Please try to read in context, at a minimum.

Thanks for your answer, TPM, but I have no idea why EH would call upon you to interpret my post.