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Tagged With "Exposure"


Top 96 Baseball Camps

Top 96 Baseball ·
HS Baseball Web Community - Beginning this coming summer, Top 96 will run two-day, regionally-focused events in four locations across the country: Atlanta , Boston , Chicago , & Los Angeles . All Top 96 events will be run on college campuses in the host regions and are designed for student-athletes who want to attend and play baseball at a college or university in that region. The mission is simple: deliver the best-in-class regional college showcases in the country. You may be familiar...

Best Details about Exposure?

BaseballCoach2 ·
I was wondering what's the best tips and details about getting exposure and interest from college coaches. I have a 2018 son, and people tell me it's too early, but I see 2018 and even 2019's verbally committing all the time. Please let me know because I'm new to the whole recruiting and next level baseball environment. I believe he has the talent to go on to play college baseball, I just dont know whats best for him. Please let me know. Thanks alot.

Re: Best Details about Exposure?

#1 Assistant Coach ·
You've come to the right place. Sure you will get a lot of advice. Remember, exposure TO and interest FROM coaches is not a cause/effect relationship. Exposure TO, is something you can definitely control, but the interest FROM is out of your hands.

Re: Best Details about Exposure?

BaseballCoach2 ·
Alright thanks. Hoping to get a few answers soon

Re: Best Details about Exposure?

fenwaysouth ·
BaseballCoach2, College baseball is pretty vast. Let's not try to boil the ocean all at once. Let's start with something a little more manageable and targeted.....what does your son want to do, what is he capable of doing and who do you think will be interested in his skills? If you can answer those questions it gives the board a starting point. BTW...don't concern yourself with other's receiving offers at this time. It's really not worth your time thinking about it.

Re: Best Details about Exposure?

BaseballCoach2 ·
Academically he's an A-B normal with about a 4.0. But athletically He's capable of being an all-conference and all-district player if he continues to work. He wants to play college baseball and even beyond that if given the opportunity regardless of what level it may be. He's more of a contact and speed rather than a power player. I don't know if that means much to coaches so that's where I'm kind of lost. I know he won't just come straight off the bat with D 1's so I'm guessing just the...

Re: Best Details about Exposure?

CaCO3Girl ·
I realize this is a baseball site but I have to open up the academic discussion since Fenway tried but it was overlooked. While playing baseball should be a consideration it should not be the primary consideration. What does your son want to be when he grows up if the baseball thing doesn't work out? Someone who wants to be a teacher may go to a very different school than someone who wants to be an engineer. I know most of our kids don't want to consider that baseball will end for them...

Re: Best Details about Exposure?

standballdad ·
Sounds like a smart kid. Does he have an idea where he wants to go to school academically? Casting a wide net in hopes of catching interest is a crap shoot unless he has strong tools. I would make a list of colleges that he would like to attend and start a campaign of emailing those coaches to start the process. What position does your son play? and what are his measurebles? You also need to be realistic in your sons abilities whatever they are.

Re: Best Details about Exposure?

joes87 ·
The 2018s and 2019s you see committing are mostly outliers. The big recruiting year is the year after your junior year of HS ball. It doesn't hurt to get exposure before then, but most of the attention at exposure events will be focused on the incoming HS seniors. I have a 2017 and we are fortunate that we are in a very good program designed to get kids exposure. My biggest advice would be to take a hard look at your travel program. Make sure you are in one designed to get kids exposure.

Re: Best Details about Exposure?

BaseballCoach2 ·
Oh okay. Thanks. He's talked about wanting to be a physical therapist or something in the field of sports medicine once he gets older. I know that some of the kid's change their minds about what they want to be when they get older as they progress through school. He has made a brief list of schools that coincide with the path he wants to take. I'll remind him that it's not always 100% baseball and academics do come first because he seems to get carried away. Thanks alot once again.

Re: Best Details about Exposure?

Welcome. It is not too early and in fact the next two summers are critical for your son. Start with CACO3GIRL's assessment of what his academic interest are and then merge that with baseball. You need to get an independent assessment of his projected baseball skill level and then build a plan around the two elements, academic and baseball. Make up a list of 25-35 schools that fit the profile and start researching, use the USNews, and other college ranking books to get a good profile of what...

Re: Best Details about Exposure?

BaseballCoach2 ·
Okay thanks. I really appreciate it.

Re: Best Details about Exposure?

CaCO3Girl ·
A teenage boy got carried away thinking about his baseball dreams??? NO WAY!!!! LOL, just keep being the voice inside his head telling him to focus. It has been said by many on this board that baseball ends for everyone eventually, some sooner than they wish due to injury or life in general getting in the way. While it is great to shoot for the stars eventually he will come back to earth and live a life that doesn't center around baseball. THAT is why choosing a school based on academics or...

Re: Best Details about Exposure?

Goosegg ·
"I have a 2020 and I took him through Manhattan after Cooperstown just to walk around the streets of New York. To say he HATED it is a massive understatement. He's a Georgia boy who loves baseball and wants to play in College but the city buildings, the smell, the lack of nature, just the vibe of the city in general made him very uncomfortable. Inner City Colleges will be off his list no matter what the baseball program is like." Its never too early to begin creating college possibility...

Re: Best Details about Exposure?

pabaseballdad ·
very good advice above. I'll echo and try to stress the importance of creating a target list of schools - based on whatever criteria is important to your son- location, city, rural, big, small etc. and choosing the right type of travel team that will get you exposed to those schools. I've seen kids in our area play for legion, or some travel team a dad put together, no colleges see them play, and everyone wonders why they aren't getting noticed by colleges.

Re: Best Details about Exposure?

Buckeye 2015 ·
We started emailing potential schools the fall after my son's sophomore season (actually sat watching the World Series while shooting out emails). He had hopes of playing D1...but at that point he was still the smallest/youngest kid in his class and didn't "look like" a D1 kid, though he was capable of playing with any kids his age...even some who already had D1 interest. He emailed about 40 possible choices. D1's from a 3 state area (not the Power 5 schools...we knew they likely were out of...

Re: Best Details about Exposure?

fenwaysouth ·
BaseballCoach2, Ok, so you've been given some great advice about the importance of academics and academic fit with college baseball. We've only scratched that surface, as that can be a whole separate long discussion by itself. Your sons take away should be took look at physical therapy (or similar majors) schools in the context of baseball. You can get a listing of majors by school, location and other dynamics here: The good news is your son shouldn't...

Re: Best Details about Exposure?

Buckeye 2015 ·
A couple good points about exposure and travel teams. My son played on a very good team at 15U and 16U. Myself and another coach had put it together....just kids from NW Ohio that we personally knew or had met over the previous 4 or 5 summers. We carried 12 to 13 kids most of the time. Of those kids, there are now guys pitching in the ACC, B1G and MAC (2) with other playing at all levels throughout Ohio and Michigan...10 of the 13 are playing in college. Funny thing is, we played in the best...