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NCAA Eligibility Center and Institutional Request List (IRL)

TheToolMan ·
Over the weekend the NCAA Eligibility Center requested transcripts and ACT scores for my son. Their website states that certification does not start until an NCAA school request it. Does this mean that a college/university is interested in him and have put him on their Institutional Request List (IRL)? Also, is it possible to find out what college/university made the request, if that is the case?

Re: NCAA Eligibility Center and Institutional Request List (IRL)

FoxDad ·
I don't think that is the case. What they seem to be telling you is the certification process really doesn't start until there is a NCAA school looking for certification for a player. I don't remember this when my son went through the process. My son played JuCO (NJCAA) for two years so the NCAA certification was not required. When he did get an offer from a NCAA D2 university, it was then the coach told us to start the process and we had to forward his id# to him.

Re: NCAA Eligibility Center and Institutional Request List (IRL)

Rick at Informed Athlete ·
FoxDad is correct. The Eligibility Center sends out their task list items for recruits to submit transcripts and test scores, but won't actually "pull the file" and review it until a recruit's name is submitted by a university on their IRL.

Re: If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

Gov ·
Was thinking same Adbono... figured I’d gather thoughts before reaching out to Rick. Thought though.... if a lot of schools cancel the 20/21 season the NCAA may say 6 to play 4 if a player was affected due to year of cancellation w start of COVID. Way ahead of myself here, but my kid prompting some thinking. His bud playing Princeton LAX said they are considering canceling 20/21. With LAX, Princeton is a powerhouse D1.

Re: If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

PABaseball · Looks like it depends on the division

If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

Gov ·
If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

Re: If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

adbono ·
I doubt it as once the clock starts you have 5 years to play 4. I would assume a gap year would be seen the same as a redshirt year, which would leave 2 years of eligibility. Rick at Informed Athlete would be a good person to ask. Shoot him a PM

Re: If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

TerribleBPthrower ·
Is he taking a gap year just for baseball? Is there an academic reason for the gap?

Re: If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

adbono ·
I have little confidence that things will be anywhere close to normal. LSU HC Paul Manieri said he thought one third of the 300 current D1 baseball programs would not survive this ordeal. Hard to imagine that but he would know better than most. Attrition will hit D2 & D3 programs too. For many kids there literally will be no place to play.

Re: If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

smokeminside ·
my oldest might be one of them. Rising senior. He doesn’t really want to go back at all if things aren’t normal. Taking classes on line from a campus dorm room seems nuts to him. He’s smarter than I am, so I’m paying attention.

Re: If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

Go44dad ·
Probably. It's like The Oprah Winfrey show for current college players. "You get another year of eligibility! You get a year! You get a year! You get a year! Everybody gets a year!"

Re: If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

adbono ·
Covid19 is going to cause the end of a lot of kids playing careers - for one reason or another. Hope you can figure something out that works for you.

Re: If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

While all learning will be "remote", Harvard is bringing up to 40% of undergrads on-campus. Preference to first-years and students who need to be on campus to "progress academically". Princeton welcoming first-years and juniors to campus. Not sure how this will affect sports. We will have a better idea tomorrow when the Ivy League announces the fate of all Fall sports.

Re: If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

fenwaysouth ·
Lots to think about here. Lots of "ifs". From my viewpoint it starts with the individual, their family and situation. If I'm putting my oldest son in this situation, I know he would have been fine with distance learning because of the way he learns. I think a lot of this is about how does your kid learn and what is he/she comfortable with. For example, I had to go to class to reinforce the lessons in the books. My son is very different. Once you get past that education hurdle then it is onto...

Re: If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

Gov ·
Neither - just a high probability of online classes during the entire school year and spring sports also being canceled. Princeton looking seriously... son may do some classes online, stay home, work out. Some of these schools will be trying to put the kabash on any party's, taking the downtime fun out of being at school. Sons same year teammates thinking sameway. We shall see.... Wouldn't be surprised if NCAA does an adjustment for 6 years to play 4 for the affected classes, then revert...

Re: If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

Gov ·
Good point Mid...yes, son at D3 NESCAC school. I actually forgot about using semester vs calendar years.

Re: If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

adbono ·
I can’t speak for Manieri but I imagine he is anticipating a prolonged effect of Covid19, a drop in enrollment due to online classes (leading to a drop in revenue), pressure on athletic departments to reduce budgets, and the increasing doubts as to whether revenue generating sports (football & basketball) will get their seasons played in 2020.

Re: If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

MidAtlanticDad ·
The lax player's situation is definitely a good one for Rick. The Ivy League's normal policy limits undergrads to the first 4 years of enrollment. Do they normally allow a gap in those first 4 years? Your son is playing D3 baseball, right? You probably know this, but D3 (and D2) uses full-time semester, not calendar years, so I would think he could take the gap year and come back with his full compliment of seasons intact (assuming no overriding school or conference rules).

Re: If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

Smitty28 ·
I'm curious as to why this would be the case. Assuming the reason is financial, most baseball programs are money losers in the best of years. Thoughts?

Re: If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

TerribleBPthrower ·
That stinks. I'd hate for my son to be stuck in that situation. His prep school announced a month ago they'd have an on-campus and remote option. They confirmed it again last week.

Re: If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

roothog66 ·
You'll find a lot of your answers here: https://ncaaorg.s3.amazonaws.c..._COVID-19QAGuide.pdf

Re: If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

roothog66 ·
I believe, if I'm reading correctly that the 5 year clock is extended for those affected by the 2020 season. This would be true for say a 2020 red shirt freshman who would now have 6 years to complete 4. Not sure about an athlete who takes a red shirt year AFTER 2020, though.

Re: If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

3and2Fastball ·
So many angles to look at these days... more than ever, it is difficult to predict the future. My 2021 is about to start his Senior of high school, and is currently being recruited by 4 different D3 schools. A few have asked him to come in for official visits in September. It is tough to know which way to go, other than the obvious of “go where you are loved”. Maybe: go where you are loved at a school where the Baseball program will likely still be in existence in 2022?

Re: If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

Yes, I imagine we’ll find out in the next week or so once the Ivy announces today. Other schools are following the reduced on-campus presence as well. This is to ensure adequate housing for quarantining should it become necessary. Not sure whether schools will allow athletes to choose when they attend but it makes sense to select the term that most closely matches your sport. Of course that means less “off-season” work (like Fall baseball workouts). I suppose if Ivy announces the...

Re: If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

fenwaysouth ·
ABSORBER, Yes, I read the 40% undergrad on campus in another article last night after I posted yesterday. I actually like this policy a lot (despite it being Harvard ) as it gives some undergrads a better chance to succeed based on how they learn. Again, people learn differently. My two oldest kids see or hear something one time and they don't forget it. I don't have that gift. What will be interesting is how Harvard allocates that 40%, and do athletes figure into that 40%. As for Princeton,...

Re: If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

anotherparent ·
With sports, it's kind of like the Cornell model. If baseball players aren't allowed on campus in the fall, then they will have to train somewhere at home, where they are just as likely (or maybe more likely) to get sick than if they are at their own school, being tested regularly, etc. I'm pretty sure these schools aren't thinking about athletes at all. I do hope that they are watching what is happening at the big football schools right now, there are some well-publicized cases of virus,...

Re: If an incoming junior opts for a gap year, does he retain the three years of eligibility granted by the NCAA during this C19 time?

fenwaysouth ·
3and2Fastball, What is obvious to some is not always obvious to others. You know the HSBBWeb mantra of "go where you are loved" but some of our newer posters may not. Based on the PMs I've had recently , I think you'll see many people put much more emphasis on academics because athletics is no longer a given at many non-athletic scholarship D1 HAs, HA D3s and D3s in general. Additionally, I think you'll see many folks try to stick closer to home given the opportunity in this uncertainty. JMO.

Re: NCAA Eligibility Center and Institutional Request List (IRL)

Francis7 ·
Related, when does a school ask for the ID? When they make the verbal offer or when they send the NLI? It would seem to make sense that they ask for it before the NLI. But, when? Summer after junior year?

Re: NCAA Eligibility Center and Institutional Request List (IRL)

keewart ·
I think sons coach asked for it early on, when we started the process (he committed the summer between So and Jr year of HS). Maybe Rick will pipe back in, but I think we had to update the Eligibility Center with grades/classes/transcripts several times....possibly when we started the process and again after all classes and grades were completed. Every coach is probably different in when they ask, however. The advise given to us was to get the eligibility process started early, so you have...

Re: NCAA Eligibility Center and Institutional Request List (IRL)

While "Early Academic Qualifier" may give coaches and schools warm fuzzies, a final transcript is still required to receive the final certification. I'm sure this is needed to establish GPA/minimum test score eligibility and requirements.

Re: NCAA Eligibility Center and Institutional Request List (IRL)

FoxDad ·
Normally this is done when registering for the ACT/SAT. The applicant can select X number of schools to have the test scores sent to including the NCAA Eligibility Center. If for whatever reason this is not done initially, the applicant can request the scores be sent to additional schools and the NCAA Eligibility Center, but there may be an additional fee. Since my son did not request his scores be sent to the NCAA when he initially took the tests, we were charged a fee ($75?) to have his...

Re: NCAA Eligibility Center and Institutional Request List (IRL)

Rick at Informed Athlete ·
The April 1st date of senior year only applies to a recruit's Amateurism status. As I mentioned in my earlier post, it's possible to have Academic status certified after the junior year for high academic achievers who have taken lots of college prep courses in the first 3 years of HS.

Re: NCAA Eligibility Center and Institutional Request List (IRL)

Submitting transcripts early will net you an "Early Academic Qualifier" status but you cannot request final certification until April 1st of senior year. And even after you request final certification, it will not be granted until you receive (and submit to the eligibility center) your final transcript from HS. Which, for most students, is at least a month or two after April 1st. And even then it seems to take a while! Here's an example:

Re: NCAA Eligibility Center and Institutional Request List (IRL)

Francis7 ·
Thanks. You had to update the grades, etc.? I thought that the coach requested it and then the school guidance counselor updated it? (As you can see, I'm clueless on the process.) My son got his verbal offer the COVID summer after sophomore year. He verbally accepted the fall of his junior year. I know that the coach has seen his transcript but I think that's about it. (Are we behind on all this?)

Re: NCAA Eligibility Center and Institutional Request List (IRL)

FoxDad ·
Whatever tasks the NCAA Eligibility Center indicates haven't been completed. If you haven't already submitted your sons transcripts, do so. Just have to make sure his complete transcripts are submitted soon after he graduates.

Re: NCAA Eligibility Center and Institutional Request List (IRL)

My son submitted those scores on his own, requested directly from College Board (SAT) and ACT. His guidance counselor only submitted final transcript; this may vary from school to school.

Re: NCAA Eligibility Center and Institutional Request List (IRL)

Francis7 ·
Does he do that or his guidance counselor?

Re: NCAA Eligibility Center and Institutional Request List (IRL)

Your son's SAT and/or ACT scores should also be submitted to the NCAA Eligibility Center (code 9999) for his record.

Re: NCAA Eligibility Center and Institutional Request List (IRL)

baseballhs ·
We were just told to do it prior to signing the NLI. Son had sent transcripts to coaches as they requested them, and we had started the NCAA process. He wasn't asked for it specifically, until the official visit about a month before signing, where all the recruits attended and were told. Son committed summer after sophomore year.

Re: NCAA Eligibility Center and Institutional Request List (IRL)

You cannot request final eligibility until April 1st of senior year. Transcripts sent prior to then will only get you preliminary eligibility.

Re: NCAA Eligibility Center and Institutional Request List (IRL)

Rick at Informed Athlete ·
Your son should have his HS counselor submit his transcript to the Eligibility Center. He should also then have an updated transcript submitted after he finishes this academic year.

Re: NCAA Eligibility Center and Institutional Request List (IRL)

Francis7 ·
Thanks. But, once they are registered, and have a verbal offer that they accepted, what are the next steps with respect to the NCAA Eligibility Center?

Re: NCAA Eligibility Center and Institutional Request List (IRL)

Rick at Informed Athlete ·
My standard recommendation is that a recruit should register with the NCAA Eligibility Center during or shortly after their junior year of HS. There are a couple of reasons for this. 1. If the recruit is a strong academic student and has been taking a lot of college prep courses (which are basically what the NCAA defines as a "core course"), it's possible to receive Early Academic Certification before they even start their senior year. 2. The Eligibility Center will not only send out task...

Re: NCAA Eligibility Center and Institutional Request List (IRL)

If I remember correctly your son attended a high academic mid major D1. Do you believe the nature of academics at the school had them more on top of updating grades than other schools?

Re: NCAA Eligibility Center and Institutional Request List (IRL)

Francis7 ·
Thanks. He registered a while ago. Maybe like 12 months ago? And, he has an ID. No idea if he shared it with the coach at any time? I will have to ask him. He does all the communication with the coach.

Re: NCAA Eligibility Center and Institutional Request List (IRL)

FoxDad ·
In my son's case it was when the coach made the verbal offer. Foxson had just finished his sophomore year at a JuCo. We met with the coach the week after son arrived home from JuCo. Within a few days after meeting with the coach (this was in late May) he made the verbal offer and at that time requested the ID#. Things moved rather fast after that. It didn't take long to get an ID#, but it took me another two weeks or so to get everything squared away with the NCAA certification center...

Re: NCAA Eligibility Center and Institutional Request List (IRL)

This is correct. My son did not request scores to be forwarded at the time that he took the test so we did have to pay a fee. He was targeting HA schools and wanted to make sure that the score sent was his best effort ;-)

Re: NCAA Eligibility Center and Institutional Request List (IRL)

baseballhs ·
You can log in at any time after the test and send scores as well, there just may be a fee.