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Tagged With "Florida"


There Is A Florida College Option To Play Baseball

baseballdad63 ·
Visit FCC.EDU and click on athletic then baseball. Fill out their baseball form if you like what you read.

15u 14 u players need Palm Beach Florida

Coach Tino ·
Looking for 15u and 14u players for this summer asap! Contact me at 5612677947 coach Tino Gaudino PBC Elite Baseball is a Nationally Ranked Travel & Developmental Baseball program based in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Our mission is to provide players with a platform for elite competition, skills development and college exposure opportunities. We field 17U, 16U, 15U, 14U, 13U, 12U and 11U Travel Teams. We compete in a variety of summer showcase tournaments including Perfect...

2017 WWBA Underclass World Championship

Kurt Semmel ·
The Souith Florida Bandits with its partner ProSwing located in Port Chester NY shall be holding tryouts for the 2017 WWBA Underclass World Championship in Fort Myers FL October 5-9.

Re: D3 recruiting

TerribleBPthrower ·
Key point in SpeedDemon's post, every school has a slightly different timeframe . My son had some very HA D3's asking for info in June and others in July. There are even a couple that don't start until mid-August. And like SD said, the competition no joke (at least a lot of them). Even a school like Caltech is getting upper 80's kids now. There will be a ton of D3 freshman this year and next in the low 90's. PABaseball brings up a good point, most D3's are very expensive and only offer need...

Re: D3 recruiting

anotherparent ·
Welcome! Most D3s recruit the summer before senior year and all through senior year. So for your son, summer '23 (next summer). It's a good idea to make a list and reach out to coaches early next spring, with a playing schedule, asking what events they will be at to see him. They will tell you to come to their camp, but if he's a credible recruit, this does work at the D3 level. Next summer, have the travel coaches reach out, too. Things to know about how it works include these: - D3 teams...

Re: D3 recruiting

SpeedDemon ·
The most valuable thing D3 coaches can offer is a chit through admissions, since there's no athletic money available. Second most valuable thing is a chance to play in college while getting a solid education. If you're on the short list at a D3, coach will ask for your grades, test scores and senior year courses in June. They will submit this to admissions for a pre-read usually in late June-late July (every school has a slightly different timeframe). So you'll want to be on the HC's...

Re: D3 recruiting

PABaseball ·
As far as where to start, use the search bar and look up what you want to know. There is more information on D3s here than there is anywhere else. This place is arguably more valuable for D3 recruiting than it is for D1s, and it is very valuable for D1s. If your son is on a team good enough to be playing in Jupiter it may be worth exploring the juco route. Especially with his velo being as high as it is. You already mentioned D1s not wanting to recruit 17/18 year old kids when they can...

Re: D3 recruiting

Ster ·
Thank you for the reply. That is some good information and exactly what I was looking for. My son was spending a lot of time focused on D1 schools, and he wasn't getting anywhere. He even had one D1 coach tell him, "you are very projectable, but why would I want to bring in an 18 year old kid to develop when I can sign a 20 year old man from the transfer portal with three years of D1 experience." Other comments we have heard from D1 coaches have been, "we are recruiting half the number of...

D3 recruiting

Ster ·
I'm new to the board and a total novice with baseball recruiting. I have a 2024 RHP that doesn't get much attention from D1 schools at this time. He is a RHP that sits 85-87 and touches 88. I have reached the conclusion that if you aren't in the 90's then the D1 schools aren't going to show much attention regardless of pitchability. So, we have been focusing in on D3 options. My question is, at what point do you start to reach out to D3 schools, and in general what does D3 recruiting,...

Re: D3 recruiting

anotherparent ·
Just as a note, many of the top-ranked D3 baseball teams are not particularly HA schools. So if you're eligible for need-based or merit financial aid, and want that kind of experience, that's another way to think about it. PAbaseball is right that you can search these topics; two of my favorite threads are these:

Re: D3 recruiting

With his velo and GPA, if he could just get that ACT up a few points, I think he would be a VERY attractive prospect for elite HA D3 programs. If your family is not made of money, one important thing to know about NESCAC and other HA schools is that most of them have a TON of money to share with families that can demonstrate need. Oh, and edit to say - good test coaching is expensive, but it can really do wonders with ACT and SAT scores.

Re: D3 recruiting

2022NYC ·
Does your son have the grades to pursue the high academic route?

Re: D3 recruiting

Ster ·
Does your son have the grades to pursue the high academic route? I don't really know what the requirements for individual schools may be. He is a 4.0 student taking all AP courses and currently has a 27 on the ACT. He is a 2024 graduate so he has more time to take the ACT again and score higher.

Re: D3 recruiting

2022NYC ·
Being a 2024 there is still time to get the SAT/ACT scores up and his velo. Unless your kid is targeting specific schools that are reasonably close as my kid did, then you should consider a super showcase like HF or showball.

Re: D3 recruiting

BBSBfan ·
My advice is to take the ACT 1-2 more times. He will likely improve the overall score but importantly, his ‘superscore’ will almost certainly be higher. Most schools record the ‘highest on each section’. it can make a big difference. In regards to HA D3 schools, as said, it can get a bit complicated and varies by school. Some conferences (like NESCAC) have limited ‘fully supported’ slots. They are generally for their top 1-4 recruits (depends on schools). If he is fortunate to get a positive...

Re: D3 recruiting

2022NYC ·
Pretty much agree with this statement. There is definitely wiggle room with test scores if you drop tanks or throw gas. The 5th year and xfer portal definitely made the roster way more competitive at my kid's HA D3 and other D3s too from what kid told me. I think 2023s recruiting is worse than 2022s.

Re: D3 recruiting

BBSBfan ·
I would be cautious about this ACT estimate. There are some NESCAC schools where the low end of the average ACT range is about 30 (Conn College, Bates, Trinity) and others where the low end is 33ish. There are a few extra elite schools (M.I.T, U Chicago) where this probably is true though. From our direct experience, a decent rule of thumb is 1-2 pts below the average low range of ACT plays. This is for a fully coach supported slot. I would think your son wwould attract one of these if his...

Re: D3 recruiting

SpeedDemon ·
Oh, and MIT decided to go back to requiring the SAT because they found that some first years were struggling and had to be put in remedial* math and physics before they could continue. That situation is thought to be unique to MIT and a few other tech-centric schools like RIT, RPI, CalTech, etc. Most universities have elected to stay test-optional. * remedial for MIT, really high academic for everyone else

Re: D3 recruiting

MidAtlanticDad ·
It’s not too early to start investigating D3 schools, but with his academic profile it’s definitely too early to rule out D1 if that’s important to him. Schools like Patriot League, Davidson, and Richmond may be within his reach academically and on the baseball side (especially if he’s projectable). He could get in front of most of those schools next summer at a Head First event. If geography is a factor, take a look at Emory, Berry, Trinity Texas and Millsaps on the D3 side. Also, if he has...

Re: D3 recruiting

Smitty28 ·
a 4.0 GPA is excellent if it's unweighted, but I think he'll need to have an ACT in the 33+ range to be looking at NESCAC type schools.

Re: D3 recruiting

TerribleBPthrower ·
Every point he goes up on the ACT/SAT will unlock different schools for baseball recruiting. I was able to create my own chart somewhat by asking others (mostly here) what the different ranges were. And don't get trapped into the "test optional" statement by most schools. Testing will absolutely be required for most recruited athletes. Even a coach from a "test blind" school asked for test scores to take to admissions for the pre-read.

Re: D3 recruiting

TerribleBPthrower ·
Nothing official yet. Visiting another this weekend. Another school entered the mix and he's waiting on his pre-read from them. Others have told me how late the process goes with these schools and I would have never believed it.

Re: D3 recruiting

anotherparent ·
I've been wondering about exactly this, so thanks for the information.

Re: D3 recruiting

LousyLefty ·
@TerribleBPthrower did I miss an announcement? Did your son find a place to land? or are you waiting for Dec 15th to announce?

Re: D3 recruiting

SpeedDemon ·
Coaches at MIT, along with CalTech and UChicago don't have chits for admissions. Admitted players must have grades and test scores that are similar to the overall class. Coaches at these schools can guide players to the right range of grades/scores and let admissions know through the pre-read process who their preferred students are, but they can't say "I gotta have this one, please flex a bit for me" and get someone admitted. That said, most coaches at these schools have extensive...

Re: D3 recruiting

TerribleBPthrower ·
I believe MIT is going to be a 1510/34 this year. I don't know exactly for UChicago but based on the kids they are recruiting I'd guess it is similar. Pretty much the same kids being recruited by that top tier HA D3 schools. Keep in mind, this doesn't guarantee admission. These are just the lowest scores a coach is willing to submit to admissions. Also MIT is no longer test optional. They just completed a study and determined it was a failure and immediately implemented testing requirements...

Re: D3 recruiting

SpeedDemon ·
17 and 24 are the star players.

Re: D3 recruiting

Dadbelly2023 ·
Pretty sure the kids with "17" and "24" were just having some fun... I think

Re: D3 recruiting

2022NYC ·
As a warning for entering freshman parents, make sure your kid is fully engaged with the advisor when selecting classes and inquire frequently with him and understand the deadlines for adding/dropping and withdrawing courses. Some of the smaller schools, the professors are also advisors and they are not equally competent. My kid was placed in a class he was not prepared for due to a generalized placement test score. His advisor told him to seek the resources available (peer tutoring, student...

Re: D3 recruiting

JucoDad ·
@adbono - Just catching up and came across this quote. I don't believe this was true for JUCO's, I'd thought it was have an HS diploma regardless of track or test scores and you're eligible to be on scholarship? It this still correct?

Re: D3 recruiting

adbono ·
Yes, this is still correct.

Re: D3 recruiting

BBSBfan ·
Totally agree with the theme here. Sorry to hear about the hiccup. We had a similar situation here ane thankfully my son pushed back enough before first day of classes and we switched it. The advisor seemed to just look at a list of applicable courses and recommended one. We know another athlete in a situation as your son. So it is worth a much closer look for fall of freshman year.

Re: D3 recruiting

smokeminside ·
2022NYC: Crucial post for kids and parents. Thanks for sharing. Our experience with our first year, almost to a T, or WD, as it were.

Re: D3 recruiting

Ster ·
So, when I was in college at a D3 school, the student that was living across the hall from me in the freshman dorms was a 6'11" basketball player. He couldn't spell his name on a good day, and had a very low ACT score, but was on a full academic/leadership scholarship to this D3 private school. Knowing that athletic scholarships aren't an option for baseball playing students, does the practice of enhancing academic and leadership scholarship for baseball players a practice that still exist?

At a Glance - University of Florida 2025

CollegebaseballInsights ·
Here is a quick look at University of Florida Where players are from Players by Position and graduation class Team Roster Insights Team Roster Turnover Overview Players that left Incoming Players Incoming Players by Position Total No. of Transfer on team