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Tagged With "JUCU"


JUCO…not good enough?

Sandlotdad ·
So I’ve gotten a lot of great info from here( thanks community members!) but I still have questions. I have a 2022 that decided to go Juco route based on his size and academics. He’s good enough that he got the attention of a so cal D1but with gpa at 3.1 it’s a no go. So we’ve been emailing some D1 juco’s to show his interest and his videos and no responses. I do see kids commiting to those schools with much lower stats. Is he actually not good enough for juco with the Covid back log...

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

adbono ·
I think your perspective is good. I know California JuCos play good baseball but I don’t know how they line up in terms of reputation and quality of the programs, etc. I’m sure you can determine that with some research of regional knowledge if you don’t already know how they stack up. For example, in Texas the bell cow programs are McLennan and San Jacinto. Those 2 programs are regular attendees at the D1 JuCo World Series in Grand Junction, CO. They literally get the pick of the litter when...

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Top level JuCo ball can be as good as D1 ball. If a kid doesn’t have the size or metrics why would a high level JuCo program want him? High school batting averages don’t sell players. Metrics and showing you can play sells players. It’s all about projection. As adbono suggested an undersized player without metrics needs an advocate who can sell “the kid can just plain play.” Actually, everyone but a jaw dropping pro prospect needs an advocate to sell him. The reality is kids who look the...

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Sandlotdad ·
I agree that top juco’s are right up there, so I’ve done my research to see what players they have accepted in the resent past as well as whose committing for 2022’s. I believe you and Adbono definitely hit it, especially with the Covid monkey wrench, him needing an advocate to sell him. ”kids who look the part are more likely to have to prove they can’t play. Undersized kids have to prove they can play.” I haven’t thought of it that way but puts a better perspective on it. Very interesting...

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

adbono ·
I’m not at all familiar with the JuCo scene in Cali but I am in Texas, Oklahoma, and surrounding states (to a lesser degree). My advice would be to get a baseball guy with credibility (Hs coach, travel ball coach, private instructor, area scout) to call coaches at the JuCos you are interested in and promote your kid. In Texas it’s common for HS kids to workout/tryout on the JuCo campus. I have set many of those things up and taken kids to do that. Most JuCo coaches are open to this. Why...

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Sandlotdad ·
I’ll put that advice to work, get our travel coach to make some calls and hopefully open the doors. I did hear that about the on campus workout/tryout, it’s just getting the invite. Thanks Ad for the input.

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

LousyLefty ·
In California a 3.1 sends most non-athletes to JuCo, our schools are so impacted kids graduating in the top 10% of their class have trouble getting into UC's, and CSU's are only realistic if you are in top 25%. I can think of 2 D1's that might accept students lower than 3.5 in the entire state. (granted there are exceptions for certain majors). It's absolutely brutal. On the other hand JC's are free in CA so that's a silver lining to not getting into a large state school.

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

latebloomer21 ·
To add to the discussion on NorCal Juco's...My oldest son just finished his third year at Sac City this spring. He showed up as a skinny, slick fielding SS that hit for a good average in high school. After deciding to try to be a 2-way player in the fall, he was given the choice to red shirt as a position player or pitch that coming spring. He decided to pitch. (Thankfully) He received a great scholarship from a great program in the Big West that projects him as a starter (he was always a...

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Sandlotdad ·
@LousyLefty TB coach has his hands full, pretty busy with some of the kids, lots of talent, big studs. So far, there’s only been about 20 kids that have graduated while playing TB with him, most all with D1 offers, 7 have gone on to get drafted. Had an eighth drafted mid-low round out of HS 2021 and another HS player will get drafted 2022. I know he keeps busy with his contacts. So I just take it as if he saw a good future possibility with my son then there would be a little more of a push.

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

That must be for the team? Some (all?) California jucos have an open admission policy. You want to enroll, you enroll.

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

DanJ ·
My son has D1 dreams, so the Juco route made sense to keep that goal alive. Lots of players with strong grades go the Juco route for baseball. But now that we know his 3.1 is an issue, he's also going the Juco route to get that sucker up! 3.5+ is the goal this first semester. His HC's goal for sophomores moving on to 4-years to finish is to get them 70% in combined academic and athletic scholarship money. Sign me up for that please.

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Unless your school grades on a 5.0 scale those GPA’s are weighted. If it is scored on a 5.0 scale the colleges will scale it down to a more normal 4.0 scale. Colleges want to know unweighted GPA’s. The reason is there isn’t an across the board standard for GPA’s. Was your son’s 3.1 weighted or 3.1 out of 5.0? My kid’s high school didn’t publicly weight GPA’s. But when a kid with a 3.5 graduated higher in his class than a kid with a 3.7 it was obvious the 3.5 was in AP, high honors or gifted...

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

CollegebaseballInsights ·
The challenge in 2022 will be roster spots. Basically all CCCAA schools have been shut down for 2 years. Note, last year of the 88 schools, 39 were shut down due to covid. Most underclass Cal Student Athletes play In CCCAA If you look at CA Students athletes at NJCAA, roughly 81 played NJCAA Region 1-Arizona Region 5-New Mexico and Western Texas had the most participation

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Sandlotdad ·
@CollegebaseballInsights great breakdown, the Juco pipeline dashboard is just what we needed. The biggest concern of my son’s was how many kids at a particular jc went on to D1’s and which ones. I was googling each Juco kid one by one to see where they ended up. This is big time!

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Consultant ·
JCG; as you know the local SRJC is a Nationally academic ranked Community College with 19,000 students. It is important that the baseball players "sign up" for "transferable" classes. No "basket weaving". Ask the right questions to your school advisor. Bob

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

CollegebaseballInsights ·
Next week, we will be rolling out a JUCO Pipeline dashboard Already exists New release.

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

adbono ·
Look at neighboring states

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Sandlotdad ·
Adbono, yes definitely done the research on the local Juco scene as well as nearby state. Know the top, mid, and lower schools. Also check their prior rosters, check the stats to see who got playing time and then pull those kids up on maxpreps to see how they did in HS and compare. It feels like Covid is having a bigger impact on 2022 then originally might of thought. It seems like he probably would be looked at by these same schools a couple years ago but possibly with so many kids in the...

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Sandlotdad ·
Anotherparent, you called it, we haven’t really talked with his coach much. He did tell us that a great D1 in the Big West was asking about son. To be honest, We’ve probably waited so long and not start conversations to try to see where he fits in. And it might be a good thing since the recruiting atmosphere is changing so much. Even If he was able to slip into the West Coast or Big West schools that were inquiring with him, He wouldn’t of got any playing time, competing with 5 and 6 yr players.

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

PABaseball ·
Just curious, what's wrong with a 3.1? That will get him into a school with baseball, especially a SoCal D1 - they're all good and baseball matters there

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Sandlotdad ·
Thanks JCG, need all the luck we can get. It sounds like we need to drop down one more level and contact those schools. Playing time is most important. And definitely want to be in a good position to where he still plays at the school in spring. It feels like the wave of 4yr kids coming to Juco is getting bigger. And why would a coach take a small 18yr old over an experienced 21 yr old with man strength. I get it.

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Sandlotdad ·
Arceku21, Sac city and Santa Rosa would be nice, always see them at the top in the CCCAA. We’re coming to the conclusion that unless he packs on 30-40lbs in the next 3 mo’s. It’s gonna be the lower local D1 juco’s. Which is a confidence killer because he knows his glove and bat contact are at a higher caliber, but lacks the size and strength which is looked at first.

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

latebloomer21 ·
My son's travel ball coach played there back in the day under Jerry Weinstein before he went on to have a cup of coffee in the bigs. He recommended my oldest to look at it knowing my kid had upside, but needed time and good coaching. So my son reached out to them via email first and that started the conversation. I believe in CA, juco's can reach out to any recruit provided the recruit is from a county which touches the county where the school is located. Beyond that, it is up to the kid to...

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

DanJ ·
Oh, I forgot to mention that on my son's visit to the Juco he's now attending, the HC had concerns around my kid's 3.1. This isn't your grandfather's Juco baseball landscape! Imagine a 3.1 being a concern at a Juco. Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to go find a whole to stick my head in. #baseballsonshame

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

LousyLefty ·
I would guess on average a 3.5 puts a kid in the 75th quadrant, hard to tell on a national scale with so many variations for grading. I had a parent tell me about their kid's 5.6 GPA finally figured out it was on a 6.0 scale (never heard of that until this summer)

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Sandlotdad ·
@RJM there’s something in the water, not our water unfortunately. Son’s HS team has a 4.8, a few around 4.3, and total of about 12 above 4.0. It’s crazy, felt bad for my son as he gets it from me…AND his mother.

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Sandlotdad ·
@DanJ I thought that was the whole point of Juco for the players that need to work on their academics ?? Like you said, not the same. Interesting

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Sounds like you are in SoCal. If you want any geographical insight some of those schools in that conference let me know. I actually played in that conference my first two years of college. Another college near the bay area that may be a suggestion is Solano College. Their coach was actually my college summer league coach. I know he turned them around when he first took over. Don't know what they have been doing recently.

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

In Norcal, you are going to find some very good JuCo competition in the Big 8 conference. That conference includes Sac City and Santa Rosa who are perennially strong programs and in the mix of the state championship talks. Sac City has the coaching history with Jerry Weinstein leading that program for many years and then Andy McKay after that. One of their former players is now the head coach. You also have programs like Consumnes River, Delta, American River, Sierra, Diablo Valley, and...

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

anotherparent ·
We were timid about talking about our son with the TB organization, partly because we had no idea about how it all worked, and in hindsight I wish we had done it sooner and asked straight out for an honest evaluation and explanation of timing. If your son has played for this coach, you absolutely should ASK him to talk to you about where he thinks your son would have the best possibility of playing, and not be intimidated because other players on the team are being drafted and your son is...

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Sandlotdad ·
@latebloomer21 thanks, size and style of your 2018 SS sounds like mine. Sac City is probably out of our way but how did you get things rolling for your son there, emails to the coach?

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Sandlotdad ·
@anotherparent you’re absolutely right…squeaky wheel right? I’ll reach out to him today.

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Sandlotdad ·
@PABaseball when the West Coast D1 inquired with him, 3.1 was lower then what they wanted.

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

DanJ ·
A 3.1 is high enough to get a STUDENT into most D1 schools, but a 3.1 BASEBALL player is different. I always find it odd that just about everyone stresses getting good grades, but almost no one ever puts that into numbers. With all the focus we put on numbers when it comes to exit velos, 60s, etc, we seemingly don't when we're stressing getting good grades. My 2021 (playing Juco ball) had good interest from a couple D1s. At one point, one of them (from the AAC) told him that his grades were...

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

LousyLefty ·
@Sandlotdad SoCal is a very small community. Your son's HS and TB coaches are familiar with most of the programs and coaches at the JUCOs here. They ALLLL know each other. You need to talk to them. I know sometimes on a strong TB team the focus can be on the dudes hunting down D1 commitments (and this summer has been especially crazy in CA! and LATE!) but you pay dues too. Ask for your TB coach's guidance, he should be able to make a couple calls and also guide you to which programs are...

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Re 3.1 GPA … Grade inflation is terrible now. I read an article last year 75% of high school students graduate with a 3.0 or better. So, if 3.0 places a kid in the 75% quadrant a 3.1 isn’t slotted much higher. Now toss in there’s a disproportionate number of D1 prospects versus D1 roster spots in CA.

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Play college FOOTBALL! My son actually had 3 D2 offers to kick/punt. With those guys, his 3.1 made him an Einstein! Throw in a felony conviction and you have yourself a genuine football prospect.

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Sandlotdad ·
@ARCEKU21 yes we’re SoCal, Riverside area. I’ve done a lot of research on the different schools and areas, it’s just getting a response has been difficult and I think that is due to the overflow from Covid is pushing him down to lower schools.

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

anotherparent ·
For his travel ball last year he was top 2 in avg and on base, on one of the top teams in CA If he was on this sort of team, his coaches should be happy to talk to you about where they think he fits. Wasn't that the point of the team? Sounds like you haven't talked to them - that's the first thing you should do, get an honest evaluation from them.

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Former NorCal dad here - I believe that if you're describing your son's talents accurately he can definitely find a spot at a Juco -- for the fall. The spring is another matter. The important thing to know about CA Juco sports recruiting is that coaches are only allowed to recruit kids in their junior college district. So if you happen to live in the recruiting district of a powerhouse juco, it may be hard to get their attention. But that doesn't mean you can't, and in some cases you can...

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

CollegebaseballInsights ·
The traceability of transfers is challenging, target schools don't always collect data in a coherent way. Players and Parents can't always trust if the JUCO'S (if available) moving on page is accurate. I would recommend that you also look at, Noah Sharp has some good content. It all depends on what your family is trying to map out. We are still in reconciling the content, but the user will have a good starting point as we continue the clean up process.

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

PABaseball ·
Yes, my point was it should be actually be easier for a baseball player. Admissions is much more lax when it comes to scholarship athletes. You think everyone at Duke, Notre Dame and Vanderbilt had a 4.4 and a 1550 coming out of HS? Mine committed before taking the SAT. He bombed it the first time. Not a "fell short of expectations" bombing, but a Holy $h!t type bombing. His coach texted him how his SAT went and he lied for days about not getting the results back because he was worried it...

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

CollegebaseballInsights ·
IMHO, lack of information, many look at school with a boom or bust mindset. How many initially research JUCO's from academic (College Navigator) or athletic perspective. Most of the time the thought of JUCO comes as a afterthought. If you go to a tournament the JUCO is not considered the girl you would like to go out with, they would rather go to a D1 with a poor baseball program. We all know many of the programs so I will not list. Below is something that IMHO a good way to initiate...

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

2022NYC ·
At first I was curious if those athletes who received a lot of help getting through admissions could survive or thrive in those HA institutions with academic rigor. Given what I seen with players from the other sports, the answer was a clear yes

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

adbono ·
Why do so many people assume that kids that go JuCo are inferior students?

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Baseball aside, with the rising, excessive cost of college now JuCos are a way to keep the costs down for a couple of years. It doesn’t matter where you start college. It’s where you graduate. Then, after a few years of work the college doesn’t matter anymore with all things being equal in the work force. However, a college network can make a difference. As the old expression gives about swinging dead cats without being able to hit something,, Penn State is the largest alumni organization in...

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

CollegebaseballInsights ·
If SRJC is Santa Rosa, this is their 2021 JUCO Pipeline footprint Here is the detail

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Bob, you and I have both pimped SRJC here often enough that some may be tired of it, but I'd also point out that more recently, there was a SRJC player on the Dodgers NLCS roster this year, another playing AA for the Phillies, and a whole bunch playing D1, D2, and NAIA baseball. More importantly, on the academic side, an average of 1,500 SRJC students transfer to 4 year schools each year, mostly to the UC and Cal State systems.

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Again?? Didn't they put that field in only 12 or so years ago?

Re: JUCO…not good enough?

Consultant ·
Baseballinsights, that is "outstanding" information. As a "part time" California JC teacher, the students including adults [evening class on Leadership] were always prepared with questions. SRJC has a 25,000 enrollment including the adults and is ranked #8 in the Nation. Bob