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Luckily my "worst story" didn't happen to me directly.

I love CART (Indy style) racing and I was on my way to Mid-Ohio for a race with my cousin and her husband when I got a flat. Well Ed was all fired up to get to the track so he jumped out of the car like we were making a pit-stop to fix the flat. He grabbed the spare, the jack and the wrench and the jack and scurried over to change the tire. Once we got it on the jack he started to loosen the bolts making an air gun sound, you know like you'd hear at the race. Then we changed the tire and same thing with the sound effects. So there was Ed, tightening the bolts back up....


When all of a sudden I hear zzzzzzz-UGGGGHHH

I ran back around to where he was changing the tire and he's laid out flat on his back with blood streaming from his cheek moaning! Eek I asked him what in the world happened and apparently as he was spinning the wrench to tighten the bolt, it caught and kicked back and the slotted pry end of the wrench caught him on the cheek and cut it wide open. We finnished and jumped in the car with Ed holding a towel to his cheek and went to the track hospital when we got there. The nurse asked him what happened and he asked her if he could make something up but when he told her the truth (sound effects and all), the WHOLE PLACE busted out laughing hysterically at him.
I know mine isn't too bad but here goes----It was my designated poker night and I was just getting ready to eat supper before leaving when I noticed one of the 35X12.50 Gumbo Mudders had gone flat on my truck. The only thing on TV was some reality show where some sisssy looking guy had to eat earthworms or be cast off the island. You guessed it---I was forced to watch that junk on TV (on an empty stomach mind you) while my wife changed the tire.
Last edited by Fungo
Originally posted by Fungo:
The only thing on TV was some reality show where some sisssy looking guy had to eat earthworms or be cast off the island. You guessed it---I was forced to watch that junk on TV (on an empty stomach mind you) while my wife changed the tire.

Fungo what were you thinking???? You should've made her change the channel to ESPN before she changed the tire.
Worst one was a rip in the sidewall of the tire while attending my Granddad's funeral in TN. I must have backed over the metal culvert in his driveway. I had to get back to Dallas, TX so we limped all the way back on the spare. But that was pretty uneventful so......

I still change the oil in our vehicles as well as rotate the tires. We had purchased a SUV and it was time for it's first oil change and tire rotation.

I took the first tire off, noticing how much bigger and heavier these tires were than any of our previous vehicles, and rolled it to where I was going to swap it with another. Being the multi-tasking guy I am , I thought I would start draining the oil before continuing with the tire rotation task so I propped the tire I removed against the tire I wanted to swap and started draining the oil.

When I returned to the tire rotation task some minutes later, the tire I had removed was gone! noidea I looked all around the garage to make sure I hadn't put the tire elsewhere in an absent minded state but the tire was not in the garage or in the driveway. pull_hair

So I looked a little farther....down the driveway, across the street, over the curb and in the parkway. There it lay and I stared at it in my confused state of mind. Confused

As I stood there pondering how the tire had gotten there, the genius light bulb finally went off. lightbul

In my haste to "multitask", I must have propped a very heavy tire at a ever so slight angle such that the tire "righted" itself. The gentle slope of the garage floor, the weight and "roundness" of the tire, the steeper incline of the driveway.....AaaaaHaaaaa! Physics problem for the day, solved!! rotlaugh

I was relieved that noone had been walking the the sidewalk or driving down the street when my tire ran away. nono

But I learned my lessen. Now I make sure the lay the tire flat, regardless of how heavy it may be. no
my story is not as good as you guys but i'll tell you if you promise not to laugh.i'm driving back roads having going to look at a job when i get a flat.the newer chevy's have a very complex code to remove the tire,after that the jack is the smallest jack for the biggest truck.i couldn't get that tire out from under the truck.could not figure it out.i'm fighting with this thing when i feel someone watching me.i turn around and there is a horse standing watching me.i look around to see if a gate was open or something,didn;t see a pasture or anything.went back to trying to get the tire out when the horse says put these pieces together and slide it down that tube and turn clockwise.i jumped back half amazed half scared.looking around like i was getting one there.went back to fighting with the tire,he says it again.and ask if i road to school in the short bus.after some serious searching for a microphone or something to explain this i did what he said.the tire lowered from the truck like it was supposed to.he says see i told ya.i'm looking for alan funt or something cause this is freakin me out. he tells me my brakes look like they need some work, then he talks me through the jack and just trots away.i don't even have my phone to tell anyone,not that theyed believe me.i get to the job i'm asking questions etc.then i can't hold back ,i tell the guy about the horse.he asks me if it was this tall?i say yes. he asks if it had a blonde mane?i say yes.he says did he make fun of you for being stupid? i say yes thats the horse. then i tell him he even said my brakes looked bad.he says he's full of manure you can;t believe anything he says.
Not a flat tire, but was driving through southern Ohio, way out in nowheresville (Children of the Corn; The Hills Have get the picture)....and it's about 2am. I have a car FULL of all my possessions, all clearly visible through the windows, saying "Hey! Everything I own is right here for the taking!" So, I blow an oil gasket or some such thing and my engine totally burns up. I pull off the road, probably 3 miles from the last 3-house town I passed.....
An 18-wheeler rolls up up and pulls off ahead of me. This guy gets out and comes over. I start to hear banjo's playing. This guy seems to be rather desperately trying to talk me into getting in his cab and going to "the next town" with him. My 'inner voice / gut instincts' are just screaming "no way". It was very , very creepy. Finally I turned and just started walking away. He shouted an insult or two and I just kept walking........still gives me the creeps to this day, many years later....
Honestly, if I had gotten into his cab, I'm not sure I'd be here right now.....
Last edited by Krakatoa
Returning from a Pre-State All Star selection meeting near Camden Yards off I-95 last Dec.

After meeting, left to get home late.
Yet had a front tire blow-out going 65 on I-95.
Car swerved, spun, hit the curb at an exit ramp, also crushing the wheel rim.

With hands shaking, drove to Rt 1, and changed the tire. Stayed on Rt 1 only to have the rear tire blow out at 30 mph.

Called AAA, who showed up two hours later.
Then the AAA, who was driving me and car to the local shop, got a flat tire.

Reached home to sweet home to shower, shave and change to get to the office (with wife's car).

Of course her car got her tire's slashed that afternoon.

Michelin provided support for the tire replacement, yet I had to sign a cease and desist letter. That Dec tire bill has yet to be reimbursed, thus the C&D letter ended yesterday (ie 60 days).

An ol' baseball friend on the eastern shore, Fed-Ex an used alloy wheel rim.
Of course it does not match.

Thank-God, my angel keeps looking out for me, even though the devil continues knocking on the door.
A few years ago I was changing a flat tire at the bottom of a highway exit ramp. When I had just about finished and feeling rather proud of myself because this was the first time I'd ever changed a tire, an ambulance flew down the ramp, sirens blaring, and skidded to a stop at the stop sign. As soon as traffic cleared the ambulance driver floored it across the intersection on his way toward the hospital. As soon as he took off, one of the back doors on the ambulance sprung open and a small cooler fell out on the pavement. By the time I got to the cooler the ambulance was long gone, and being the curious sort, I opened it up. Inside the cooler packed in ice was a severed human big toe. Now totally grossed out, I tried to think of what I should do. Should I call 911? Should I take it to the hospital myself? I didn't know what to do, so I did what I did when I was a kid and wasn't sure what I should do, I called my dad. After explaining about the ambulance, the cooler, the human body part, I asked him what I should do. Dad thought about it for about ten seconds and then told me to call a "TOE TRUCK". Wink
Years ago... on a 105 degree Texas July afternoon... a strange vehicle pulls into my yard. Out pops my wife's sister, her 2 kids and my 2 kids. They had left from my place a couple hours earlier to go swimming at the lake.

Sister-in-law says "I got a flat tire a couple miles down the road and don't have a spare. Can you find some way to fix it?"

I go digging through my garage and come up with an old tire on a rim that I figure should fit, throw the sister-in-law in my pick-up(leave all the kids with my wife) and head back to her car.

When we get there, car is on 4 aired-up tires... turns out that the left rear tread had partially come loose and was flopping against the wheel well and sister-in-law determined that it was "flat".

Since we were on a very un-traveled rural road, I had sister-in-law get in her car and "limp" it the couple of miles back to my place. Once there, I opened her trunk to get out her jack and "lo and behold!" there is the original, factory-supplied spare tire in the trunk!!!

When I informed sister-in-law about the spare in her trunk, she replied that she had never learned how to change a flat(30+ years old). I then told her that there was no time like the present for her to learn and proceeded to talk her through the steps of getting out the jack, loosening the lug-nuts, etc.... all the while insisting that if she was ever going to be able to drive that car out of yard, she would have learned how to change a flat tire.

Now, this turned into one very hot, sweaty, over-weight sister-in-law by the time that SHE got that tire changed and she was NOT very pleased with my insistance that SHE was going to be the one to LEARN to change a flat. She just did not seem to appreciate how it may really come in very handly some day....

Guess it may have been partly due to the 105 degree heat. Or, it could have been the part where I pointed out that her father had let her down in the "life-lessons department" by never instructing her on tire-changing when she became of driving age.(Both of my children were required to display to me that they were able to change a flat tire before I would even agree to allowing them go get their driving privileges).

It took sister-in-law a very long time to get over the tire-changing lesson and I believe that to this day, she may not fully appreciate the importance that that "skill" may be to her one day when a tire just absolutely must get changed and nobody is available but her little, 'ol self.

On the bright side, I did not have to attend her birthday party for several years, seems my invitation must have gotten lost in the mail! Wink

I'd like to flip this one around - the best flat tire story...

I pulled into the gas station - noticed that one tire was a little low... Started to add air - and a lump started to grow on the sidewall - I stepped back and BANG blowout right there.

Owner of the station comes running out - thinking a gun had gone off. When he saw what had happened, and since I had just bought the tires - at that station - 3 weeks before, he insisted on loaning me his car (a very nice 67 Mustang) for the afternoon while he got another tire of the right size from the warehouse and changed it for me...

Boy was I living right that day....

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