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If you're on the move have a map with you so you'll know the counties you're in. The radio will use counties for their reference points and if you are out of your area you'll be clueless. These buggers normally move in a NE direction but they can pop up behind you so just because the storm is to your NE that doensn't mean you're totally safe.
If it's bad you need a basement and most of us midwesterners are pretty good about letting strangers come on downstairs to listen to the portable radio tell us when we can come up.
I've been in the basement countless times for tornados but we've always been personally lucky, I was in Florida for hurricane Charlie and the thing that drove me crazy about that was the wait... a tornado you're lucky if you get 5 minutes warning... a hurrican comes at you for days.... good luck to all missing the storms this year (so we can get our baseball in Smile
A couple of years ago we were coming back to dallas from st. Louis. It was Christmas day and a nasty front was moving in it was going to snow alot, so we headed straight south to Jackson Mississippi, intead of cutting across Missouri or going through Arkansas. It iced on us a little around Memphis but we made it. Missouri, Oklahoma, and Arkansas, got hammered.

If you have a couple of hours to spare and don't mind driving through the night. You might be able to take a slight detour.

While you were driving by us on I57, we were at Illinois Field watching the Illini. Game held up in the 7th inning due to lightning. 10 minutes later we were told to go into the administration building because a tornado was spotted 3 miles to the west. Three miles would be pretty close to I57. Boy, did it get warm in that hallway. Then came the torrential downpour. Afterward, it wasn't easy finding a place to eat that had power. At least we won the game.
Back on the twister advice. If it is in daylight & you know they may be around, keep your eyes moving. If at all possible, drive away from the funnel. Worry about speeding tickets later.

I know the old advice is get out of the car & climb in a ditch if a tornado gets near. But I don't really relish the thought of riding the storm out in a ditch. I'll put the pedal to the metal. Getting out of the car will be a last ditch thing for me.

It can be a little tougher to spot them at night...

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