The following was posted in another thread recently.
Let me clear a few things up.
I remove "posts". I remove posts that are derogatory and detrimental to the site and the organization. You have an issue with that, stop hiding behind your posts from your office and speak to me directly. You know how to get a hold of me... remember I am the one who helped you with your child's strength and agility training and saved you over $500.00 dollars in training fees.
Now in reference to: "This was posted on OUR" Homer Hawks website...""
This is not "OUR" website. It is "MY" site for the organization and the girls. No one pays for the site except for "ME". I pay for the site, I pay for the hosting, I pay for the software, I pay for the software upgrades, I pay for the HTML, I pay for the scripts, I pay for the upgrades, and I have to pay for the training. "YOU" do not. This is a volunteer project I started for the benefit of the program and girls in the program. Your shenanigans on this site do not contribute anything to either of those... thus they are removed.
As far as: "Is it fair to send a group of freshmen and sophomores ahead of these athletes (junior and seniors) ."
I find that interesting especially since you had no issue going to Tennessee in your first year with the organization year with underclassmen and 8th graders. In fact you had a great time... Where was the outrage then? Where was your concern for the juniors and seniors? Here these photos might help you remember since you had such a great time at the TENNESSEE FALL EXPOSURE http://homerhawks.com/Hawks_Tenn_Exposure/
and finally as it relates to: "I believe parents have a right to ask questions and know the truth"
I do too. So do what grown-ups do and go to the tryouts and ask the head of the organization face-to-face.
In closing, if you or anyone have an issue about this site, removal of posts, you know who I am and how to get a hold of me. In addition in the future posts either will be of a positive manner and contribute to organization and the girls participating in the organization or "I" will remove them.
Jeff Dexter
PS - Your post was removed by "ME" again. Now that may be interesting to some... but... IT IS... WHAT IT IS...!!!
The well known cliché comes to mind..."There is no I in team".
In the post's 23 lines the pronoun "I" was used 16 times, "me" and "my" were used 9 times.
Warp aint,
Thank you for informing me as to your ownership of this website. I wasn't aware of this status previously. Now it is known.
It isn't an easy job maintaining a site such as this...you have my respect for undertaking this task.
It is certainly clear that you, as owner of this site, do not and have not appreciated any of the content that I have offered here. You must have deemed all of what was written as attacking the organization, derogatory, and inappropriate.
I will readily admit the content of my posts have been silly. That was my intention. You would be utterly surprised by the compliments that were received concerning my posts...players and parents were often entertained by them and told me so.
I must assume, on the other hand, that you were receiving negative comments from others about what I had posted. I never heard any complaints from you as the owner...some of my posts were just deleted...no explanation...ever.
It is obvious that you, as owner, have a much different idea of the purpose of this website than I did as a mere contributor. You're the owner so your idea trumps mine...you have made that abundantly clear.
I am not welcome here by you, so therefore, I will not post on your website again.
Save some money, time, and aggravation Jeff. Delete this message board and substantially eliminate your headache(s).
Michael Ely
I wanted to leave you with something Jeff if I could.
Hit the link below and then press 'play' for my final bit of silliness on your site.
My goodbye link :http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/02/26/will-ferrell-sings-letter_n_88506.html
Quixotic? Perhaps.
Re: Happy Birthday Coach Prieto
« Reply #3 on May 26, 2008, 2:31pm » [Quote] [Modify] [Delete]
I'm working with Coach Prieto and Imagine Entertainment to secure a film deal to preserve and chronicle the most awe inspiring and motivating events of last night's epic struggle between Da' Coach and Da' Man (in blue). A colossal showdown...two titans battling face to face with furor... and only one with the facts!
It started on the infield clay between the lines of lime....it escalated patriotically through the dog doo tainted wood chips...Da' Coach skillfully maneuvering through all four gates...taking care to latch each one behind him...and all the time letting it be known, in no uncertain terms, that here in the good ol' U. S. of A. there are freedoms to stand up for! And respect to be...to be...to be...well...respected! Patton would have been proud! Goose bumps aplenty!
Even the handful of Canadians in the crowd were teary eyed...sensing the magnitude of this moment for their south of the border softball brethren. "Oh Canada" spilled quietly from their collective lips...it ain't hockey, but it comes darn close, eh?!
The showdown then wound it's way through the Hawk's loud, boisterous, and inspired crowd... all on their feet and yelling their support. Then it wended it's way through the milieu from Munster...their Magic being a powerful force this late evening.
Finally it settled into a collapsible chair on the asphalt just short of Lake Street...a beverage in one hand...a delicious Creamsicle© dessert with graham cracker crust in the other. In the distance could be heard the adoring and screaming Hawk fans and closer by an upset dad of the dorky persuasion was loudly tooting ... his backside burps piercing the night air with disdain like noisy exclamation points...thankfully they were dispersed harmlessly away from the field by the prevailing winds from the south.
The exile lasted through the finish of game one and continued through game two...a game which brought a smile to the beak of each and every Hawk player, coach, and fan who was in attendance along with other Hawk fans who were telephonically connected to the action and grilling us for the latest scoop.
The night ended gloriously with Da' Coach...Coach Prieto...being loudly coaxed to the infield to join in with the celebration. He finally stirred from his chair like a bear easing out of hibernation and proudly made his way from the right field fence to the infield...all the time being serenaded by the raucous Hawks.
After many high fives were slapped and the ink went dry in his pen from signing too many autographs to count Da' Coach settled in to the back row to be included in the Hawks most rewarding pose of the evening...a championship photo snapped just before midnight.
Although it didn't happen this night the movie script will definitely have a scene with Da' Coach being hoisted victoriously onto the team's shoulders....Gatorade© still dripping from his head...and smelly wood chips falling where they may.
Be looking for its release sometime around the holidays in '09. The music to the opening is already being worked on...
Proud To Be An American...thanks to Lee Greenwood.
Hmpf! Tonight all the calls were wrong,
I’d worked the ump all night.
And I had to start again,
with just our team and strife.
I’d thank my lucky stars,
to be livin' here today.
‘ Cause the flag still stands for freedom,
and he can’t take that away.
And I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the ump who lied,
who gave the 'heave ho' to me.
And I gladly stand up to him,
and defend our team today.
‘ Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,
God bless the USA.
Well it goes on, but you get the picture. The film will be rated PG for being pretty good.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2008, 9:43am by DorkyDad » Link to Post - Back to Top IP: Logged
"All the dorkiness that is unfortunately deemed unfit to print."
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