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quote:batter fouls the ball back, the ball hits the catchers glove while it's over the plate...
quote:same scenrio as above, only with one addition the defensive player is the catcher, he's in foul territory, he reaches over the plate (which is in fair territory), batter fouls the ball back, the ball hits the catchers glove while it's over the plate and boucnes forwards on to the field in fair territory. Foul ball, right?
quote:True but an extremely hard call to see. In the real world it's going to be foul.
quote:Wouldn't the OC have a legit complaint?
quote:You're telling me the OC has no legit complaint if you call that foul.
quote:Originally posted by cccsdad:quote:Originally posted by jjk:quote:You're telling me the OC has no legit complaint if you call that foul.
Yes, that's what I'm telling you. No one, zip, nada, nil, has a "legit complaint" over a judgement call, which a fair/foul call is.
And why would the OC complain? He probably just got saved from an easy 2-3 out if the ball was ruled fair.
The catcher must start in the catchers box, which is in foul territory, leave it at that; and the stars and planets will remain in alignment...
Okay, I'm going to stay calm here and try to pretend that you really don't understand the question I'm asking. I'll ask it again.
IF, the umpire KNOWS the ball hit the catcher when he was in FAIR territory (on home plate as in YOUR scenerio)and the ball bounds off the catcher and rolls and stays in fair territory, and KNOWING all this the umpire calls it foul anyway (despite the fact it's met every criteria you can find regarding a ball being touched by a player while the ball is in fair territory atleast according to any and EVERY rule book I've found) you contend the coach has not legit complaint even though the umpire knowingly makes the wrong call because of YOUR unwritten rule regarding foul tips?
I don't think under the guidlines I just provided in my question, you have a leg to stand on. Your whole premise would mean the umpire would have to lie and say he either did or didn't see something that he actually didn't or did see.
Remember my question is framed around the umpire knowing the ball hit the catcher when it and he were in fair territory.
You're saying it's okay for the umpire in this situation to lie and MAKE UP A CALL, based off of his lie?
quote:You're saying it's okay for the umpire in this situation to lie and MAKE UP A CALL, based off of his lie?