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Not self serving at all. I do not understand why so many posters think that saying how good their son is doing is a bad thing. I persoanlly love to hear about all the players. isnt that what the site is for as well as helping HS parents with the process and all the other good services the web site helps with.
Great job congrats.
For those who were wondering what this thread was all about, the topic was: Bolt Named To Mountain West Baseball 10th Anniversary Team

(Somewhere it had said the All Decade Team. Really!)

CD, you may now lock the thread. Razz

--- Edit --- Snarky note struck through. CD did not close this or the other thread. I apologize for assuming he did or would. --- Edit ---
Last edited by infidel_08
I don't consider this bragging. A parent is informing us about a very nice honor their son received and who has actually accomplished something.

A lot different than a parent telling us how good their 8th grader is going to be someday.

Congrats to Karl Bolt. I hope I see him at Citizens Bank Park someday soon.
Last edited by fillsfan

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