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My 09 son signed early--has developed a great relationship with his new coach since last August.
Sadly, we just found out that he is leaving just in time for our son to start his freshman year.
I know this happens...but we are pretty upset.
Is it wise to just stay put...or wiser to open the door again this late in the game?
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Has the coach made any mention of your son following him to the new school? We were in your situation a year ago. First, we waited until the new coach was hired before we made a decision - decided we didn't want to go with the new hire. Explored a few JUCOs, but in the end followed the coach. Original school would have been a much better fit. I think we made our decision a little too quickly and didn't weigh all the non-baseball factors as we had the first school. In the end I am not so sure our decision was a good one. Not sure what level your son is or what options he has, but if he is not sure what to do, might consider a year of JUCO.
Hi, Bobby9,
life in general becomes very frustrating sometimes as mine is at the present time and I am sure yours has been from time to time but we all seem to bounce back and adjust positively to the situation,Life and it's happenings are such that we all have to make different kinds of adjustments daily on a regular basis,"YOUR MIND LEADS YOUR BODY""LETTING NEGATIVE THOUGHTS ENTER YOUR MIND CREATES NEGATIVE BODY ACTIONS"there are absolutely no inbetweens here, what I am getting at is we all need to forget what we cannot control and focus on what we can control, the earlier in life we all learn to and do this the more pleasant minded we become, fretting on those things we cannot control keeps one in a negative unpleasant state of mind, we are all creatures of habit and sometimes after much deliberation as you did you decided what was the best way to go and as time goes by hopefully your new coach will prove out to be fine, whatever I am attempting to accomplish,I first I decipher what I can control and then write those things on one sheet of paper, then I decipher and write those things I cannot control on another sheet of paper, I then separate the two in my mind,then I throw away the I cannot control sheet and study my What I can control sheet before each practice and/or contest or whatever I need to exercise this mind clearing method on, a lot of the time one has to figure those things out as they go along, which is a more difficult process, sometimes a very quick decision making, trial and error process,I hope I have made some sense to you out of my comments,
Good luck with your decision, your new coach and certainly with your son's baseball career, I am sure everything will turn out on a positive note.
Don Ervin

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