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I understand that there is a 10 innings per week rule here in California - but how does it really work? Is a week Monday - Sunday, Sunday to Saturday, or a rolling 7 day window? How is an inning defined? Is it number of out recorded - or it is one pitch in a inning means you have burned a full inning?

" There's nothing cooler than a guy who does what we dream of doing, and then enjoys it as much as we dream we would enjoy it. " -- Scott Ostler on Tim Lincecum
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Each state association, section or in some cases league can adopt restrictions on how often or how much players can pitch. Those restrictions don't exist as part of the rules.

As umpires we have no desire nor would we have the means to keep track of innings pitched or pitches thrown by any particular player.

I know that here in New York State there are limits on how much a high school player can pitch but I have no idea what those limits are.

You may want to post your question on the coaches forum to get a more informed response.
Sorry I cant help you with that as well. This recently decided a first round HS playoff game here in W.PA. A team put in a pitcher who had pitched 7 innings on friday in to relieve on monday. After the pitcher had thrown one pitch, the offensive coach called time and protested the pitcher as an illegal player.

Umpires called time and refered the coaches to the WPIAL Site adminstrator. He ruled the game a forfeit due to the use of an ineligble player......PIAA rule is that if you pitch 7 innings you need 3 days rest.....

None of these rules are adminstered by the game umpires......

I can help you with the rule as to counting as an inning pitched this is cut and dried....

Last edited by piaa_ump

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