Joe Oliver and Terry Abbott's Triple Threat Baseball Academy is holding tryouts this Saturday and Sunday.
Spring Season Tryouts
Tryouts for 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 year-olds will be December 13, 14, and 20 at the Orlando PONY duplex fields. You only need to attend one of the sessions and the cost is $25. Please contact Joe Oliver or Terry Abbott to register. cell: 407 947 1313 cell: 407 491 0294
If you have friends or relatives who are ballplayers that are interested in developing their game, please let them know. A location map and times are posted on the activity calendar. Please print out a registration form and bring it with you to the tryouts.
Joe Oliver
Triple Threat Baseball Academy
407-947-1313 cell
407-251-5264 fax
Original Post