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Tired and fed up with the so-called "professional" instructors/players who are draining your bank account and not improving your son's play? I am. That's why we're forming a new 16U team, coached by a former collegiate level player who has posted 4 consecutive winning seasons when coaching his son. After turning over the instruction to baseball academies and professional hitting instructors, it's been 3 straight losing seasons and very sub-par performances.

Instead spending more money, I am spending my time on my son and his baseball future. This team will be built and run on 3 elements: Organization, Attitude, and Discipline. Back to fundamentals and challenging practices! Players will be stopwatch timed in almost every aspect of play, taught strategy, and pushed hard to learn how to be competitive with the top teams in the area!

It does not take a lot of money or professional baseball credentials to organize, teach, and run a successful baseball club.

Please email Joe Goforth at or call 314-680-7809 (evening). Cut off date for interested players will be Aug. 1st. Players must have at least freshman high school experience and possess an above average skill level to compete. Emphasis on pitchers and outfielders right now.
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