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I have been trying to throw a 2 seam fastball for about 2 weeks now and i am holding it right but it wont move. Is there a certain pressure or way to hold it to make it move? I would like to be able to get movement on it for the 16th of september because my team is going to the canadian atlantic tournament.
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Okay, you know where the 2 laces of the ball are the skinniest? Put your index and middle finger in there, side by side, between the 2 seams. Next, have your thumb bisecting your 2 fingers on the bottom (Which means, when you look at it, your thumb is in the middle of your 2 top fingers). That is how you throw a 2 seamer. Now (I'm left handed) and if I want it to break in to a righty, I put my thumb more to the left. If I want it to break into a lefty I have it more to the right. So when your playing catch experiment with that and ask your partner if he sees it moving at all

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