I share duties raising a boy as a stepfather.
He is currently in the 8th grade. We live in a area of Florida where there is no middle school baseball. His dream is to play professional baseball. His father believes he has the talent to play baseball for a living. Personally, I'll be happy if he has a decent HS experience, as making the team is not easy.
Last year (as a 13YO) he made the transition to the full sized field. He also signed up to play AAU in additon to his local league.
He is doing quite well on the full sized field & in travel. In travel, he is the best kid on a relatively weak team. When playing the upper level teams, it looks like he belongs on their teams, unlike many of his teammates.
His current travel team does not play a lot of games. Including tournaments, someplace around 16-20 games in the spring and the same for the fall.
Because of this, his father signed him up for the local babe ruth league last spring. My wife and I didn't really say to much, as we weren't sure how the whole travel thing would pan out. He ended up playing someplace around 40 games last spring.
He started off this fall season on the travel team. Things seemed to be going well and then his father signed him up for the local rec league also. Dad's justificaiton... he needs to play as much baseball as possible to get ready for HS.
Issue #1: His rec league plays the same 2 nights of the week that his travel team practices. That means he no longer practices at all. Just 2 rec games and 2 travel games a week. He does not work on his swing/throwing/fielding on his own away from the games/practices.
Issue #2: The rec fall league very weak. He is several levels better than the kids he's playing with/against. It is a mix of the weaker players on the large field for the first time and kids who have never played before. He's playing SS & lucky to get 1 ball a game hit to him. It's all strike outs or walks. If he's lucky, he'll swing the bat 2 or 3 times a night. More commonly he'll get walked on 4 straight pitches. I'm not sure there is any benefit in playing against/with such weak competition. Especially since his travel team is relatively weak.
Issue #3: He plays the corners or pitches in travel. His dad thinks it's good for him to play SS in rec, because he'll learn other postions. While it's possible that something will happen as he continues to grow, I feel it is unlikely that he'll ever develop the speed or range needed to play a middle infield or outfield postion.
I think it's a bad idea to blow off practice in order to get 1 ball hit to him and possibly 2 swings a night. His father replies "there is no substitiute for live pitching". His father recently told me that he's planning on signing him up for both leagues in the spring because he needs to face the maximum amount of live pitching prior to trying out for HS.
Neither his father or I have any post HS baseball experience. We also don't have any friends/family with post HS experience, so we're somewhat limited in expert advice.
I an very intrested in your opinions as to which method is going to be more benefitial to our son's long term baseball "potential".
I have tried to state the case a factually as possible, but I know it is colored by my opinion.
If it isn't too much of a bother, or too rude, would you mind mentioning what level you, your kid (or kids you have coached) made it to? I plan on sending the link to his father & as neither of us really knows any of you, your "credentials" might lend some added crediblity to your opinion.
Thank you