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For the most part this list is limited to "perfect Game" participants. All these kids with the exception of 1 have been to at least 2 PG events. As best i can tell only one kid is on the list that did not attend a PG event unless his name is misspelled.

Not knocking PG, you can't rate who you've not seen. Just don't want folks to be disenchanted if they see someone not on the list that they think should be.

These are all good players. And I applaud PG for putting together a list that has to help the kids on it. They do run the best showcase org. IMHO.

I have no problem and in fact appreciate when someone mentions a player we might have missed. I guarantee it causes us to take notice of this player you mention.

The goal for us is to be as close as possible on the rankings before the draft, more important than perfectly accurate in October. Good baseball people like yourself, talking about talented players, helps us a lot.

Those that believe our rankings are a "client list", I can understand. However, we don't rank players based on PG involvement. We rank players on ability that we have witnessed. We scout much more than only PG events.

That said, players who participated in PG events accounted for over 800 draft picks last year. So one could say... we did see the best including 36 who were selected in 1st rd and sup. 1st rd.

To call those Virginia players listed nothing more than a client list... is somewhat unfair to those players and their ability.

I doubt anyone meant it that way, but those listed are very talented. It doesn't mean we got every single player ranked correctly in October. I just think players listed should be honored and players not listed could be because of error on our part.

We are not "Perfect" no matter how hard we try, but we are extremely honest!
Originally posted by cvsting:

I thought that what's this board is for, to promote HS baseball & help HS players, sorry if I missed something.


Promoting HS baseball and providing a resource for players/parents, etc. - all good. Using it to promote (or worse, denigrate) individual players - um, not so good. It also begs the question why someone "on the radar screen of a lot of organizations" would need such promos on a board such as this. If the intent is not to promote, but to correct an oversight on a PG list, seems like a PM is more appropriate. Congrats to the young man - he deserves a more tactful approach IMHO.

I disagree a bit. The player mentioned does indeed truly throw in the low 90's, he was one of the most impressive pitchers in a very highly regarded event, the Commonwealth Games. I watched close to 100 scouts pay pretty darned good attention to every move he made, keeping the radar guns running the whole time he threw (6 innings). He's not my son, although he was on his Commonwealth Games team, and I've never personally met the kid. I do know he legitimately throws in the low 90's (we saw him in Legion ball too), my son said he was a classy guy, and while I am certain he's all over "radar screens" (you can look at Baseball America's report on the East Coast Pro Showcase), I see no harm in mentioning a player like that. The list of 300 surely is missing some kids from Virginia, that's the nature of lists, but there likely aren't many missing that are as strong a prospect.

I fail to see a lack of tact or anything even remotely inappropriate in anything CV or I have posted. To the extent I've missed something, my apologies to you.
Perfect Game "client" list? I don't think so. My son never attended ANY Perfect Game events yet they had him ranked on their lists. They try to call it as they see it. The talent level at the PG events is always high and most of these players will show up on just about every list makers’ lists. I'm sure they make mistakes but there is a pretty large pool of players they have to pick from... Big Grin
Sportsmom... I'm not trying to get into a fight...but seems like you are doing exactly what you say others shouldn't be doing ("denigrate) individual players"). THE Fact that CV and hokie mention the talents of a player is a POSITIVE thing. To borrow your words "It also begs to question" your motives. The one thing I have learned through this recruiting process is that just because a player is talented does not mean all eyes have seen him. If giving a little pat on the back to a good player offends you just don't read the post. I'm happy for you that your son didn't need an agent but it's nice to see deserving players get kudos.

By the way Matt has verbally committed to NC State. (no agent involved!)

Promoting HS baseball and providing a resource for players/parents, etc. - all good. Using it to promote (or worse, denigrate) individual players - um, not so good. It also begs to question why someone "on the radar screen of a lot of organizations" would need such promos on a board such as this

Originally posted by VA_Sportsmom:
You have no shame. Thankfully my son didn't need an agent.
In NO WAY did I denigrate any player. Of course you left out the part of my post that congratulated the young man (perhaps because it didn't serve your purpose) and the part where I said he deserved better. My beef was clearly with CV and others who use the forum to advertise (as opposed to inform) regarding individual players and services. If that's what y'all want, start a Big P***IN' (self-edited) thread and knock yourselves out.
The BA Top 300 list mainly serves two groups of folks: College coaches and pro scouts.
This includes DII, DIII, juco and NAIA college coaches.
It is not BA's or PG's job to determine if a player is "qualified or eligible". To that same end, should they make a comment for the pro scouts if the player is "signable" or not?

IMHO, the PG and BA lists look at 3 things (but not necessarily in this particular order):
1) Tools
2) Projectability
3) Actual Performance

Have a great weekend!

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