Personally, I'd like to see all of the best teams in our state play in the same tournaments once or twice a year. Put all the politics aside and let the teams get after it...that would be worth a $900 entry fee.
The DBAT Mustangs - Guthrie have accepted an invitation to a tournament that I hope allows just that.
8 quality teams, 1 field, battling it out the way the game is supposed to be played. And NO ENTRY FEE.
Not concerned about which scouts show up or where it's played. Just want our group to play top notch teams in a competitive format at one location. The rest will take care of itself.
www.gatesfieldworldseries.comPlaying in tournaments that solicit exposer has not quenched the competition I've been looking for for our kids. Don't get me wrong, there are some good ones out there but I've seen a trend in a direction that is less than desirable.
I want our kids to be challenged. As they enter their college careers, they will soon learn playing on talent alone is over. These are very good organizations that will have well coached, disciplined, and talented ballplayers participating.
I'm excited about this one. I hope it works out for our team.