There are strong feelings among mlb players that the signing bonuses have gotten out of hand for unproven high school players and is hurting the middle tier players.
What do you mean by middle tier players?
What I would define as middle tier players are those signing for $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 per year, with 2-3 years guaranteed.
In 2010, Aubrey Huff was such a player.
He signed a one year for $3,000,000. One good year later he is at something like $11,000,000 per year for 2 years guaranteed.
It is hard to imagine there are 10 or so totally over paid players in the draft who will have their salaries slotted and controlled where the dollars will make any difference for middle tier players.
Most teams also have a draft budget.
If they pay player #1 a certain amount that is excessive, others down the draft number get less.
Simple fact.
The other aspect that does not truly add up is the draft controls costs. Most MLB teams are paying free agent $$$ to Latin, Asian and other players.
Finally, as all the tricks the Dodgers(well the McCourts) have played to disguise revenue and profit even from MLB, the amount of distrust should be even greater.