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The 2012 Junior Games were played today with some positive reviews. Outside of lightning forcing us to call the second game in the 8th the 35 college coaches in attendance were able to get a great look at the top juniors in the state. Quite a few of the boys asserted themselves and impressed some people! Taking only the top 36 juniors across the 4 divisions instead of 72 was a move in the right direction. Next year we will be changing the format a little bit more, but overall the event was a success.
A huge thank you to St. Anselm's for hosting the event and making us feel welcome.

"I see great things in baseball. It's our game - the American game." - Walt Whitman

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Here are the rosters: (Moloney, Fortin, LaLonde, Barrs, and Drouin were not able to accept their invite due to conflicts with their summer programs)

Brace, Kaleb
Cassidy, Jake
Chase, Travis
Gates, Autrey
Gray, Alex
Henderson, Ethan
Luopa, Lucas
Marchant, Cody
Massa, Nick
McCarthy, Kyle
Morin, Dan
Nyhan, Graham
Spaulding, Bret
Springfield, Devin
Sweeney, Zach
Welch, Jake
Wojciak, Matt
Joyce, Ethan

Auger, Steve
Black, Tyler
Cameron, Jake
Caron, Cody
Crosby, Dillon
Danforth, Logan
Frick, Mitchell
Gareau, Ben
Hackett, Travis
Holt, Rick
Krueger, Brandon
Lemenager, Joe
Lunn, Jeff
Marquis, Evan
Morais, Matt
Rencken, Tim
Rines, Jalen
Seawards, Kyle
Wagner, Grant

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