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What are you looking forward to the most for your son’s upcoming 2012 season or if you are a coach your teams 2012 season (Pre HS, HS, College, Pro ball…..)? Or what are your biggest concerns or anxieties going into the 2012 season?

I am looking forward to watching my son and his team play this March in AZ. For some reason I‘ve looked forward to this since the day he committed.

My concern is that with the travel during the season he is able to keep his grades up.
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shortnquick said...what are your biggest concerns or anxieties going into the 2012 season?

My biggest concerns for son's college team is

1) Can the underclassmen step up and contribute immedidatley
2) Weather caused havoc with practices in the northeast last year. I'd like to see the weather remain mild so they can get outside and practice in preparation to play Southern teams. Season starts March 3.

shortnquick said....My concern is that with the travel during the season he is able to keep his grades up.

That is a valid concern. Getting work done on the weekends seems to be less of a challenge than getting work done during the week. If your son makes the mid-week travel team, he may have some adjustments to make to his workload.
Last edited by fenwaysouth
Originally posted by shortnquick:
What are you looking forward to the most for your son’s upcoming 2012 season or if you are a coach your teams 2012 season (Pre HS, HS, College, Pro ball…..)?

As always, I'm just looking forward to watching my son play f(college ball). Last year I was so happy to see him having more fun that he's ever had in the past and I feel it's be even better this year. I can't be there in person any longer, but I am able to watch via web casts.

Originally posted by shortnquick:
Or what are your biggest concerns or anxieties going into the 2012 season?

The last couple years it's taken quite a few season games for my son to rev-up to speed. Once he gets into his stride, his performance is great. So I'm hoping he finds his stride in the preseason and gets the season off to a good start.

And for his team, the team has a lot of very good talent. While there is good talent in the pitching department too, I haven't seen consistently good performances from those returning and not sure how any of the new recruits might step it up. If pitching can perform up to their potential, my son's team should be able to make it into the post season. Last year they exceeded expectations of critics and came very close to getting into post season. This year, critics still underestimate them and I'm hoping they can show them up and get into post season play. Playing in one of the toughest conferences in the country, it's not an easy thing to do.
son is a 2015 and will be trying to earn a spot on the 9th grade team. we are just getting started in our journey. he was invited last summer to play summer ball with the jv, so i am hoping that maybe he will be asked to move up to the jv team. looking forward to a successful, injury-free season followed by summer and travel ball.
For our 2012 son, the biggest anxiety for him and us is if he'll get a shot to play SS again. After having played there on the freshmen and JV teams, last year, he was moved over to 3B. As much as we support the "play where your team needs you" and "any spot on the field and in the batting order is better than any on the bench"... playing the hot corner certainly brings new challenges that may or may not suit a particular player's skill set.

What I mean is that, at 3B, maybe the more useful traits are quick reflexes and fearlessness, whereas in middle infield, perhaps speed, footwork and the ability to take optimum angles to ground balls are more useful, seeing you often have more time to judge and pick the hops?

Son was recruited as a middle infielder and though I realize that at the next level, he very well may be asked to play somewhere else, that doesn't mean he and we won't still hope that he has a shot this Spring to play where he has a lot more experience and suitability and can probably help the team and himself more. Smile
Last edited by Sandman
We are essentially returning our entire starting line-up from last year. Only lost a shortstop and a pitcher to graduation but there are others that can more than fill those shoes.

Last year, they were the Conference and District champs. They beat the Region champs three times during the regular season and District championship but lost to the State Champs in the first round of the Region tournament.

There is an expectation that this team could make it to (and through) the State tournament. At this point, we're just looking forward to a great season and seeing what they will be able to achieve.
My son is a freshman. We're at a fairly small high school with a program that's not real strong. We'll likely only have 30 or so kids in the program. He's likely got a shot at playing some varsity this season...both in the field and on the mound. He's worked hard the past 5 or 6 years to get to this point and he's hoping all the hard work paid off.
First and foremost, I feel so blessed to have two great sons who have given me a lot of joy. My youngest is in his senior year of baseball. I really pray that all of his teammates, especially the seniors remain healthy, understand that it is important to live in the moment and not focus to much on life after graduating. Have fun, have fun, have fun and have fun.

Concerns: I hope that one of our players does not become distracted because of all of the attention he will receive from MLB scouts this season. The team really needs him to be focused.
For 2013 son looking forward to him playing varsity SS. He has been on the varsity squad for two years with little playing time. Concerned how the recruiting process has unfolded. the schools that have shown the most interest may not be the best fit. I hope the spring brings more clarity.

For my 2015 hoping he makes the freshman team. The freshman class is loaded with perhaps 25 good players and some very good kids will get cut. He will be on a very good summer team no matter.
Last edited by Thurm
Looking forward to my son's junior year to see if you has approved from last year. He started last year at SS and pitched some innings. He will get more time on the mound this year.

My concern is for him to continue to do well with his grades and taking the SAT. Also, he will get a car this year, so I am concern about him being a young driver.
Looking forward to – First year of HS baseball
Biggest anxiety – First year of HS baseball

Primary source of anxiety comes from having no idea how it will go – having no control. Past several years of tournament ball I had a good idea how he’d play, where he’d play, where he’d bat, what the coach’s thought of him, I knew the other players and parents, etc.
This year I have no idea if my 2015 will be on the freshman team or varsity team. Will he be on a team where he is overmatched and get frustrated or on a team where he is under matched and unchallenged. Whether the coach is a great guy or a psycho. What are the other players like – I know some of them - There are kids in his grade going out for baseball that haven’t touched a ball since t-ball, there are also some decent players.
I’m likely not this first parent to go through this.
I guess I need to take the advice I give to my son and not to worry about those things you can’t control. What I still can control is how prepared he is when try-outs start 2/27. We’ll keep working in the cages and on the mound until I give over control to the HS coaches.
Looking forward to my 2012 son who has committed to a DII in Florida, and to play his last High school season without the stress of wondering if he will play at the next level. Working hard this season to be ready for what the future may have waiting for him and ENJOY it
Secondly watching my 2014 son who is a catcher and was picked for varsity as the second in line behind a senior taking the field as well.
What would really make it special is the opportunity for the 2014 to catch the 2012 for a few innings. The younger one has the ability and has done it many times before but it would be great in the Highschool arena.
How many parents can say that they have seen that?
I guess as a parent I am really looking forward to this year as I know it will be over before you know it.
My 2013 will be back on varsity after being a pitcher only last season. Coach said he will get a crack at outfield this year as two spots opened up. I think he should get one of them, but what do I know. I will support the team regardless, as I love watching his high school team if he is on the bench or not. But it sure is funner when he is on the field.

"Excited" to see how summer ball plays out with recruiting. He will only pitch as his team is one of the best 17/18 U teams around. Should get him some looks, hopefully. Fringe D-1/D-2 player. He has interest from some D-1s but mom and dad are intrigued by some of the D-2s that are calling his high school coach. Hope to know more a year from now.
I am looking forward to my 2015 son's freshman year of Baseball. He has played on some high level travel/showcase teams where all his team-mates played Varsity ball their freshman year. His expectations are high. We’re hoping to keep him humble and grateful just to be in the game regardless of team and position.

Anxious about son's proficiency on the mound. Having taken a couple months off for basketball season I am always a bit nervous about starting up again, wondering if he will have the same stuff that made him so effective in the previous season. How will the control and velocity aspects of pitching matchup with his slightly larger frame now nearly 6'4".
Last edited by mcmmccm
For my 2013 son, I'm looking forward to watching him step into a leadership role on his team. He has matured so much since the end of last spring season, and appears ready to be a leader as a junior.

Biggest anxiety: has he improved enough to do what he needs to do in order to play in college, which is what he wants to do. At least he has positioned himself well academically, and if I had to pick one, I pick the academics over baseball.
I am most looking forward to watching my son pitch in his sophomore year of college. An injury sidelined him for most of his freshman year, but he was able to contribute at the end of the season. We are traveling to Florida to watch the team play, and hope to see him pitch at least once down there.

My biggest anxiety is for an injury-free season not just for my son, but for the rest of the team. Some key players are rehabing off-season injuries, and will hopefully be ready to go in the spring. Our team graduated 13 seniors last year, so I am also looking forward to (and anxious about) how the underclassmen will step up in their new roles as starters.
I am looking forward to my youngest sons senior year of High School Baseball! It has been a tough road with fundraisers and my being a leader in the Dugout Club but I will kind of miss it when it is over. Only three returning seniors so really looking forward to some younger kids stepping up.

I'm also looking forward to my two older sons college season this spring. My oldest is a junior at a IA school and my middle son is a sophmore at a DII.
I am looking forward to watching the boy pitch.

My biggest anxiety is watching the boy pitch.

Last year, a freshman in college he was a afforded many oppotunities and made the most of it. This year he was the benficiary of a timely break-up with "the girlfriend". Focus on school and preparation for the spring has increased 10 fold. With sooo many landmines out there. Matters of the heart can be the very debilitating
Looking forward to watching 2015 son play his first High School season which will also be his first on varsity. Anxious to see how he contributes, but most important, want him to stay healthy and learn to be a good teammate and future leader.

It's been a fun and wild journey to this point, but we know this is what it all led to. He gets the credit for the passion and hard work, we the taxi service.

Good luck to all!
First hurdle of 2012 season was accomplished today by 2015 son making the freshman cut even though he was unable to throw a ball for tryouts.
Has gone through little league shoulder and little league elbow off and on since March of this year and heard a pop beginning of January and has to rest 4-6 weeks. He was pretty down knowing tryouts were right around the corner so this is a big weight lifted off.
Told him congrats on making the baseball team with no arm and he said that he was just that good, and I told him they must be that desperate. Hoping now for a proper healing and a productive freshman season.
Looking forward to my 2012 son's senior year. Concerned about staying healthy throughout the season.

Boy this time flew by. I'm happy he has a place to go next year. Very happy. I just hope he stays healthy as a pitcher. Although I would worry about complacency this year because he will be playing college ball next year, he does have a few things to perform well for. He is well within reach of several career pitching records at the school. It would be nice to accomplish that. Also, last week, he had a cross checker for a MLB team check him out and had us fill out an information card. I know they will be coming to see him pitch sometime this HS season. He needs to stay sharp and healthy for that. It's probably a long shot, but it's nice to know someone is out there looking. It should also help keep him focused and conditioned throughout the year.

I looked forward to HS ball for so long, it is bittersweet that this will be the last year.
Originally posted by DennisR:
Told him congrats on making the baseball team with no arm and he said that he was just that good, and I told him they must be that desperate.

Nice banter with the boy to keep the hat size in check.
Welcome to HSBBWeb; I can tell you'll be a fun addition.
Best wishes to your son.
Originally posted by bballman:
Looking forward to my 2012 son's senior year. Concerned about staying healthy throughout the season.

Boy this time flew by. I'm happy he has a place to go next year. Very happy. I just hope he stays healthy as a pitcher. Although I would worry about complacency this year because he will be playing college ball next year, he does have a few things to perform well for. He is well within reach of several career pitching records at the school. It would be nice to accomplish that. Also, last week, he had a cross checker for a MLB team check him out and had us fill out an information card. I know they will be coming to see him pitch sometime this HS season. He needs to stay sharp and healthy for that. It's probably a long shot, but it's nice to know someone is out there looking. It should also help keep him focused and conditioned throughout the year.

I looked forward to HS ball for so long, it is bittersweet that this will be the last year.

bball and all the parents of 2012's, this final HS season is indeed bittersweet. Enjoy it but remind your player, especially if he has signed, that this isn't the time to relax because from here on out, you will be evaluated on your performance only. Do well, stay healthy and you can continue to play.

I think I'm preaching to the Choir in that the ones who are advancing are doing so because they have always been driven to perform.

By the way, the next level is just as much fun, if not more. And the calibre of baseball being played is really GOOD! Thus, there is more to look forward to and it more than offsets the sadness of what you will be leaving behind.

Best of luck to all.
Last edited by Prime9
I am most looking forward to watching my son on the field. To see what he has taken from his hard work and practice and put into motion. I am anxious to see what goals he strives for this year and to see him be a team player and a leader once again. My anxieties are the same as every parents... in a game of failure you want your son to succeed... but my anxieties are having him able to turn those failures into a positive each and every time rather than the fear of failure overcome him.
2012 Wishes - junior year of HS so it is a big one. Enjoying the journey, he is our youngest.

Looking forward to an early spring, which is great. Last year on Feb 1st we were shoveling ..AGAIN.. was it the 18 inch storm? Or the 26 inch storm? Can't recall.

Today, it smells like spring, which gives us baseball fever big time. Son and his buddy were long tossing, which they have actually been able to do outside all winter!

Biggest anxiety? None yet, but .....just wait til his 1st start on the bump, then check my blood pressure Smile

Happy almost spring everyone!

I no longer play college baseball, but I too am looking forward to an exciting year of college ball. I have been able to connect with many players throughout the country through my work and am excited to follow them all this year.

I even talked with some seniors in high school last spring who will now be playing at their respective colleges. Being able to swap stories with them was an honor, and to now get to see these guys carryout their path through college baseball is tremendously exciting.

Ken Jacobi

Author of "Going with the Pitch: Adjusting to Baseball, School, and Life as a Division I College Athlete"
Another dad of a HS freshman here. '15 son is fortunate to be at a school with a strong program. The varsity team is starting with a high national ranking this year, so he'll be happy to get playing time on JV as a freshman. He worked hard in the off season, and I am looking forward to seeing what that and the daily team practices do for his game.

He has gotten some good feedback on his arm from the coaches and older pitchers. He'll do whatever is needed, but I am hoping he doesn't end up as a PO at this early stage. Aside from not getting to swing the bat, I'd miss watching him behind the plate or on his occasional "holiday" in the outfield.
Last edited by '15 Dad
First of all, please forgive my post. I know this is High school baseball web, but I am looking forward to being the coach for my son's 7/8 yr old machine pitch team. We had the draft last night and the complaints have already started.

I love it, they spend so much time complaining and trying to "WIN", that they forget that this is time to instill a love of the game in our kids.

I hope everyone has a safe and successful year.
I love it, they spend so much time complaining and trying to "WIN", that they forget that this is time to instill a love of the game in our kids.

I like your post as most of us have done what you are doing and remember it well! You have your priorities in the right place! Good luck and make sure those boys have fun.
Looking forward to a less stressful HS season for my 2012 as he has found a great fit (we think) for college ball. Was great to see the smile on his face last night when he came home from preseason open workouts that were held outside due to unseasonably warm temperatures.

I will remind myself to relax and enjoy every second of every HS game this year as college is far away and opportunites to watch him play in college will be few.
Looking forward to watching my 2014 son who has a chance to make varsity this season...if not, he should be a big contributor and team leader on the JV team...but, that's lacrosse - not baseball...Regardless of the sport, he's put in the effort to rise near the top of his class in a sport he's been playing a bit over 2 years and I'm hoping he sees some reward for his hard work this year...

Anxiety - as said previously, his starting to drive alone this month!

Also looking forward to my older son's freshman baseball season in college - lots of anxiety there right now waiting to find out where he will be contributing this year...more on that once we know better!

Good luck to all with the upcoming spring seasons regardless of the sport or age!

Machine pitch reminded me of the time I didn't notice that the machine shifted...probably the only guy who's ever hit an 8 year old with a machine pitch!

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