It's that time of year again. Juco's and D2-D3's have already started practice and the D1's start official practice today. Good Luck everyone.
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Thank you for starting this. This will now be featured at the top of the forum.
Love it, can't come soon enough! Go Chants!
Agreed! Today is the day!
My D2 son is one week away from first game.
Whoohoo!!! Finally here⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️
Intersquads this weekend and son throws Sunday. Are yoouuuu readddyyy for sommme Baseballlllll?
First day of practice and we've got our first snowflakes in over a month here in NW Ohio. Happens every year Unfortunately no turf means son's team will likely not see a field until they get to the season opener at Texas A & M in 3 weeks...shouldn't have to worry about snow down there, but makes it tough to compete with a team that's been outside all winter.
Let's get the season underway!!
I have a friend that coaches a D1 team and he called me on the way to their first practice very excited...brand new coching staff and they recruited very heavy. Hoping for the best for them this year
In CA JuCo games start today!
I love this thread every year.
Amazing what a difference a year can make at this level. So much changes and new opportunities. Good luck to all of your sons as the season gets started!
Son gets an inning tomorrow in Alumni game. Several current MLB players will be in attendance and lots of minor league players will be playing. Then kickoff dinner afterwards where I have to bid on getting to be a bat boy for "one of the big games" per our 13 year old. Fun day. Good weather predicted. Glad to start up again, getting stir crazy, Starts a 6 month time period where we are almost NEVER home before 10 most nights, or we are traveling. Life w/ 2 baseball playing kids. Wouldn't trade it for anything
Excited for the season even though our soph. son is red shirted due to labrum surgery this past the fall. We are going down tomorrow to watch his team play. He's about 6 weeks away from starting his throwing program so he is excited none the less. Good luck to all your athletes this spring and that they stay healthy.
Well, not the start son had hoped for. He threw great last fall and was feeling really good so far since they got back after Christmas break...even going so far as to say "I'm throwing better than last summer" when he had a really good year in summer league. He threw to 5 batters on Tuesday (limited to 4 pitches each)...had 3 K's. He's in line for a weekend starter spot if things continue......THEN.......texted him last night....asked how it went "Terrible, I only threw 2 innings before my arm hurt too much so I stopped". Luckily it seems like it's his yearly early season bicep elbow or shoulder pain. He seems to get it every year and it lasts a few days then goes away. He has never had any arm issues other than this. Hopefully this is the same as every other year....just really bad timing this time. He's back at it Tuesday so I guess we'll find out then.
Buckeye 2015 posted:Unfortunately no turf means son's team will likely not see a field until they get to the season opener at Texas A & M in 3 weeks...shouldn't have to worry about snow down there, but makes it tough to compete with a team that's been outside all winter.
Buckeye: Son had a series there last year. Quite the atmosphere. Hope your pitchers are on. If you get to 4 balls, the chants from the crowd will be "ball 5, ball five.. followed by ball 6, ball 6, with another throw outside the strikezone. Found that both irritating and funny at the same time.
Best wishes for your son, Buckeye.
Ripken Fan posted:Buckeye 2015 posted:Unfortunately no turf means son's team will likely not see a field until they get to the season opener at Texas A & M in 3 weeks...shouldn't have to worry about snow down there, but makes it tough to compete with a team that's been outside all winter.
Buckeye: Son had a series there last year. Quite the atmosphere. Hope your pitchers are on. If you get to 4 balls, the chants from the crowd will be "ball 5, ball five.. followed by ball 6, ball 6, with another throw outside the strikezone. Found that both irritating and funny at the same time.
Florida St did that last year too....he said it was hard to keep from laughing on the mound...but he threw well, so I guess it didn't bother him too much
Very excited. My son's team opens up this Weds at home. Good luck to all of your boys!
Ripken Fan posted:If you get to 4 balls, the chants from the crowd will be "ball 5, ball five.. followed by ball 6, ball 6, with another throw outside the strikezone. Found that both irritating and funny at the same time.
Luv when the A&M crowd gets that going. there was kid last year I saw who was up to around 10 in a could see him squeezing it so hard! he finally tossed a meatball down the middle and got Bronx cheer. quality crowd.
Glad your son is OK, Buckeye!
Very excited. Opening up at Mississippi St. and we can't go. Daughter has a volleyball tournament the same weekend in the dates mixed up. Son texted me and threw first intra squad. 3IP, 1h, 0BB, 2k's.
I hope I don't jinx him by talking about it.
My sons' team opened @ Mississippi State in 2015. Expect 8,000-9,000 fans @ each game. Warn the pitchers the bullpen sits in the hole between what is know as, The Left Field Lounge & The Foul Pole bleachers. Fans are lined up 4-5 deep shouting down all sorts of sordid & amusing combinations of players family member names ~ mom, sister, girlfriend, dad and any tidbit they garner off the pitchers' social media accounts. Son said it was extremely amusing! He pitched his first collegiate inning there with 2k's. Use it as motivation! Also, I really like to listen/watch the opponents media feed of college games. Brings a great perspective of how others view our team strengths & weaknesses & you get a better pulse on atmosphere of the stadium . Best wishes for a fun series ⚾
Thanks for the info, Journey. So bummed that we can't be there. My nephew played them his senior year (I think) while at Michigan State. He was a right fielder. Said it was the craziest experience. They invited him out to tailgate and he showed up. They were very surprised.
Son's first college game is 2/3. No idea if he'll play but I'll be watching on-line! Heading down to FL for 2 weeks at the end of February to catch 5 games. Can't wait.
2016Dad posted:In CA JuCo games start today! Watched game 1 in the cold under the lights on Friday nite, then awesome sunny weather for an afternoon game on Saturday. Good start to the season!
It's been a long time since I've posted but we are very much enjoying the Freshman Year D1 experience. Son was a non-drafted member of a very highly ranked recruiting class. So naturally he gets far less attention than some of his classmates. But it was fun for the family to see his Bio go up on the team's roster page. And just today, the SID posted his "get to know Jacob" interview on Twitter and Instagram.
Jacob had a good Fall and exceeded incoming expectations with the bat and in the field, but there's a lot of depth at his position. Best news about playing under guys that were supposed to be drafted last year is that both the internal competition and availability of good mentors has him intent honing his role play while building a case to starting in coming seasons. First games are at Santa Clara University starting February 17. Couldn't be more excited.
Texted Ryno this morning, and they had hit the road to Las Vegas. There are headed to CSN for 4 games, and he will start Game 3 on Friday afternoon. Hope he does well. We decided to wait until next week to travel to Vegas, because his team will be playing 4 different teams, instead of this weekend when they play the same team 4 times.
Ryno--If you have a chance to see CSN, keep your eyes on a kid named Herb Good. 6'8" Rangers draftee, over 97+ on the mound inside this winter. Good friend and former teammate of my son in summer ball a few years ago.
Will be heading to Tampa in a few weeks to watch the opening series against USF. Red-shirt last year so excited about seeing him travel this spring, and supporting the team.
So we played @ Santa Clara in Feb 2015. Santa Clara County ranks as one of highest per sq/ft of Real Estate. Their stadium was built in 2005, seats 1,500 & is very, very cozy. I would guess there is about 5-6 feet between the homeplate umpire & the backstop/chainlink fence & about 18" on the other side is the first row of seats ~ I suggest you sit in this first row to the left of homeplate on the visitor side. It was hard to determine if we were @ baseball game or Comedy Club. Right behind homeplate sat 4-6 students with a wipeboard, iphones & ipad googling every tidbit off our players social media & current events. The jokes, puns, double entendres were clean, witty and nonstop and they carried over from Friday/Saturday, kept track of jokes & players performance! Have fun and roll with it ⚾. College baseball, It's all good ⚾⚾
Headed to watch my College Junior play a three game series this weekend. My youngest is a HS senior and they start scrimmages on Monday. My wife and I get to see the oldest this weekend together. Then, for the rest of the season it will be high fives in the driveway as we pass each other as we alternate between seeing both play. Lucky because oldest is only 2 1/2 hours from home. Tomorrow starts the never ending circus at our house that we go through every year from early February to August. I also coach high school track, so throw a track meet or two every week into the mix as well. Here we Go!
Son's old School started Practices last week. First Game is Mar 4. They head down to Florida the second week in March.
I do not know many of the players on the team any more being 2 years removed. But I like the strength of their OOC schedule. Plenty of tough competition, with some middling teams thrown in. This will allow them to get ready for conference play, but give Freshmen and second string some early opportunities to show what they can do.
Hawk. 110% healed up?
Proud - yes he's 100%! Hoping to see some travel this spring and compete for innings. Velo 90-92...feels very strong and healthy. We'll see how it all goes. Thanks for asking!
Season opener for OTH jr. Mom and I headed out at 11;30 for 3:00 game. He's healthy to start the season this year and is starting in right.
tres_arboles posted:Ryno--If you have a chance to see CSN, keep your eyes on a kid named Herb Good. 6'8" Rangers draftee, over 97+ on the mound inside this winter. Good friend and former teammate of my son in summer ball a few years ago.
My son played with him at a PG tourney once.
Son's team opens at home next weekend vs. ULM. Followed by a Tuesday night game vs. Rice.
Son has had back to back outings where he pitched very well after a strong fall. Was told yesterday to be prepared to get into lots of games out of the bullpen so he and we are very excited.
Friday is baseball banquet followed by the alumni game on Saturday which is broadcast online so both sets of grandparents will get to see him pitch from afar. Family wagon has about 59K miles on it. Will see where that is at the end of the season
Good luck to everyone's boys.
rynoattack posted:tres_arboles posted:Ryno--If you have a chance to see CSN, keep your eyes on a kid named Herb Good. 6'8" Rangers draftee, over 97+ on the mound inside this winter. Good friend and former teammate of my son in summer ball a few years ago.
My son played with him at a PG tourney once.
With a name like Herb Good, I'm surprised the Rockies didn't draft him
5 days!!!! Son found out this weekend he's the Saturday starter. Opener Friday then he throws Saturday at Texas A & M in front of what likely will be 6000+. Forecast says 78 and sunny. Fortunately it's on ESPN+ so I get to see it. Hopefully making the trip to Nashville the following weekend for some baseball and maybe a couple cold ones lol