Yes those colleges attend WWBA. They also attend several PG Showcases each year. Not just the academic showcases. Also, they are at most all the events we do in the NE.
Keep in mind that when there are a large number of very talented kids, many of these kids have great GPA's and test scores. Ivy League schools, for example, have to find high academic kids, but they also want the best possible players they can get. We have had many at our events get recruited by Ivy League schools and other top academic colleges. We have built very close relationships with many of those coaches.
When Joe Walsh (former long time Harvard coach) passed away, it devastated us. His assistant back then (Matt Hyde) now is a scout with the Yankees and runs the Yankees Area Code teams. Those two, along with John Wilde who was a legendary man in the Cape Cod League, helped us get started in the NorthEast. Since that time we have had a large number of players continue their baseball careers and education at Ivy League colleges and Patriot League colleges.
Maybe the best way to find out which events these colleges attend is to ask them? BTW, many of these type programs travel the nation. They recruit nationally so they can't just stay in the NE. We have seen them at events in Georgia, Florida, the Midwest, Arizona and California. They are looking for much more than the best students. They want the best players they can get.