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Here is a link to view preliminary 2022 Player Attrition rates:;mc_eid=edeb86d5a8

Information is based on 2021 Fall Rosters.

player-turnover [3)

Note: Insights are subject to change

Player attrition rate % means percentage of players that have left the team

Current Year -  Current Year Roster Size  (fall 2021)

Value- 0 means roster is not available

Value - 50% of previous years roster size (normally means team has only published returning players.

Previous Year - Previous Year Roster Size (spring 2021)

There are some interesting trends

You can also go scroll back to 2018, also filter by conference

Current Content includes:

NCAA-D1 - 2018 -> 2022 (Fall Roster)

All other divisions (2017 - 2021)

Preliminary glance of NCAA-D2 tentatively available Oct 22


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  • player-turnover (3)
Last edited by CollegebaseballInsights
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@T_Thomas posted:

Ah - I think I see the issue.  The link posted defaults to the 2021 Year, which means last years rosters.  If you change the year selection to 2022, you see the current roster info, and this selection is showing far fewer teams with their rosters already posted.  Makes more sense now.  Thanks again.

Yeah. My bad.  Currently we still consider 2021 as the active year. In the past, we've only posted spring roster, which normally are available ~ feb/mar.

With Covid thought being able to project rosters would be interesting.

If other school make there info available, will then post.

There are some schools that we consider demo schools, that will allow you to drill down on the details, e.g Mississippi State.

As for other Division

Tentative release

NCAA-D2  - 10/22

NAIA   - 10/29

NJCAA - 11/5

NCAA-D3  - 11/12

Here is a link to view preliminary 2022 Player Attrition rates:;mc_eid=edeb86d5a8

Information is based on 2021 Fall Rosters.

player-turnover [3)

Note: Insights are subject to change

Player attrition rate % means percentage of players that have left the team

Current Year -  Current Year Roster Size  (fall 2021)

Value- 0 means roster is not available

Value - 50% of previous years roster size (normally means team has only published returning players.

Previous Year - Previous Year Roster Size (spring 2020)

There are some interesting trends

You can also go scroll back to 2018, also filter by conference

Current Content includes:

NCAA-D1 - 2018 -> 2022 (Fall Roster)

All other divisions (2017 - 2021)

Preliminary glance of NCAA-D2 tentatively available Oct 22

I have several questions:

1)  The attrition rate, does that include those that graduated?  Graduated early?

2)  If based on fall rosters, is your data looking at only previous freshmen, sophomores, and juniors?  Does it take into effect those juniors (and sophomores) that were drafted? 

3)  Why is Notre Dame an anomaly?

@keewart posted:

I have several questions:

1)  The attrition rate, does that include those that graduated?  Graduated early?

2)  If based on fall rosters, is your data looking at only previous freshmen, sophomores, and juniors?  Does it take into effect those juniors (and sophomores) that were drafted?

3)  Why is Notre Dame an anomaly?

Answer 1 and 2: Player attrition equals the how many players from previous year are not on the team in current year. Since the fall season is a precursor for 2022, it has been loaded as 2022 data.

Answer 3: Compared to who?

Here is the feature in detail.

@keewart posted:

I have several questions:

1)  The attrition rate, does that include those that graduated?  Graduated early?

2)  If based on fall rosters, is your data looking at only previous freshmen, sophomores, and juniors?  Does it take into effect those juniors (and sophomores) that were drafted?

3)  Why is Notre Dame an anomaly?

Based on 2021 fall roster, Notre Dame had low player attrition

Below shows difference between spring (2021) and fall, with potential reason for attrition.

Note, fall rosters are a point in time snapshot, thus subject to change

Notre Dame_2022_player-attrition


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  • Notre Dame_2022_player-attrition

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