Thanks for the rule clarity. It actually does make sense to me. I just haven't seen it applied very often. Come to think of it, I haven't seen interference called very much at all at the youth level.
Now, knowing how the rule is applied to baserunners and fielders at the bag, I'm still looking for methods that would teach a youth proper footwork to use to position themselves to make the proper throw from 2B to 1B and still get out of the way of sliding baserunner.
Take a look at this video. (Found this on Youtube. I don't know the players.) But, this 2nd baseman is basically just jumping over the sliding runner. Is there a method to teach this? Is this 2B player using the correct method?
Sorry to be so technical on this little detail, but I know my youth player will see this situation frequently and I'd like to prepare him with simulations and drills. I also know many many many coaches teach their baserunners to "take-out the 2nd baseman on their slide so he is unable to complete the DP."
Luck is where preparation and opportunity meet.... Or something like that...