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For the last 3 years, I have admired, from afar, the friendship and joys shared amongst this group of baseball fanatics. I have enjoyed the comments and views and have posted at times. I can sense the pride of the dads as their sons sign NIL, enjoy successes and grow into men. I can now share a part of that joy as my son committed to a JUCO last evening and will sign in January. JUCO was his best opportunity due to an injury to his pitching arm the summer of his sophomore year, and a hitting slump late his junior year. BUT, he can head into his senior year with "the monkey off his back". I dread taking him off to college next fall, but TODAY, I share the joys that I have read about for years and it is everything I imagined. My son really wants to keep this low key so thank goodness for anonymity, but thank you for the anticipation and preparation.
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Nothing makes me happier than hearing of a player being able to continue their love of baseball. Congratulations to your son and the family. I hope his senior year of HS is the best ever and full of fun. applaude

I once was told by a scout that he thought Jarred had a great upside and would do well at TN. What position for the Vols will give him his best chance of early playing time?

Thanks and hope the cold weather is not to bad for ya. Wink
High One,

Let me add my congratulations to this list .... while we are not as proud as you and your family are ... we are still always happy when one of "our boys" does well. Once your son signs let us know which juco, so that we can follow him.

Whoooo Hooooo

SonofaMoc ..... I watched Jarred several times in high school and summer ball. He will be an asset to the UT program. His style of play is all out, all the time. He puts pressure on the opponent.
High Heat,
Congratulations on Mitch signing with Southwest. Coach Ray coached my son during summer ball with Dulins. Just like you, I am impressed with Johnny Ray as a coach and as a person. Best of luck to Mitch and congratulations to him on becoming a Saluqi. On your way to Memphis be sure and honk and wave as you pass mile marker 93 on I-40. bye

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