Saw a very interesting factoid today. The number 39 is very importantant to MLB starting pitchers. Pitchers must face a minimum of 27 batters in a game (for a perfect game-rare). The batter who most likely does the most damage? The 39th batter. That would be the #3 hole hitter coming to the plate for a fifth time in the game. If pitchers face 38 batters or less, the MLB winning percentage is .700. As the writer put it, who would you rather face Chipper Jones out of the 3 spot a pinch hitter in the 9th slot? Interesting.
Another interesting fact I once heard, the MLB average against a fastball from any pitcher over the years is something like .390 and MLB average against an offspeed pitch is like .185. Even the best hitters in the world struggle with breaking stuff.
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