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One needs to know if the $4,000 was paid to the organization running the event or if it was the total cost of attending the event. I know people who have spent even more taking their entire family from one coast to the other and staying a week at high priced hotels. Some combine the baseball event with a family vacation.
For $4,000, I hope the kid got some serious college offers!

Unfortunately, this isn’t how it works, though many people believe this for some reason. College offers and draft spots are not determined by how much money someone spends. The most important factor is always… the level of talent possessed by the player. If he can not play, there will not be any offers, no matter how much money is spent.

YES he is the Old Dibble (Drivel) as well as Andy May and many other alias---I am not sure if he even knows who he is anymore---tough way to go thru life isn't it?

He does have a very fertile mind--I think some of this comes to him at 3 in the morning in the middle of a bad dream---it is all to stir us up
Ah Ha! That explains his post about PG Showcase coaches being abducted and probed by Martians. Smile

I enjoyed a few [just a few] of the quirky articles he'd post here that were often about lunatic fringe parents or coaches. Now I understand where he's coming from.

Problem was, when he'd didn't have an article to link to, he'd just make stuff up.
Originally posted by j.bags:
i don't know why your ragging on that guy,
maybe he is koko...

Hey, aren't we all a little nuts?

Especially when it comes to the money we spend(t) on this "Impossible Dream"?

My kids have been invited to lots of "showcases"--for thousands of dollars a pop. And then you have to get there.
Buyer beware.

What about the "companies" that promise to find "thousands of dollars" in regular scholarship money---
and charge hundreds for filling out the FAFSA?

Something about "a sucker born every minute" comes to mind.
Last edited by play baseball

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