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It will take allot of work and dedication. My suggestion is to find a highly qualified speed trainer, someone that has worked with top tier athletes. My Son and I met with one just the other day who analyzed my Son's sprinting mechanics. After watching him he was able to determine two deficiencies that if worked on would probably improve his time (His Time) by two tenths of a second, which would get him down to about 6.8. With specialized strength training over an extended period of time perhaps another two tenths. Now we are in a range that demands attention.

I as a Dad have no ability to assist my Son with this in any way other than to locate the professionals that understand how to get the best out of my Son.
One place to start would be to ask your HS track coach for some advice, especially about running form. A lot of baseball players have horrible form (including me at one point), mostly because they were never taught how to run. Focus on a quick first step. Ask about flexibility work...hurdle workouts are great, bounding and dynamic stretching are great as well (done correctly). Next, strength training is a must. Focus on squats/variations, deadlifts, powercleans/variations, and other explosive exercises. World class sprinters can typically squat 500+ for reps. Personally I've always been fast but after I worked with a track coach this winter I got a lot better...if you can, run indoor track in the winter (55m, 4x200, long jump, etc). It's pretty fun and great for baseball conditioning.

Good luck!

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