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Some results and scheduled games:

3:40 PM
McKinney Marshals 4
Orlando Scorpions 17U 1 Clemente Fld @
Terry Park

3:40 PM
G V Farrah Builders '09 2
Team DeMarini 5
Fld 2 @ Boston Red Sox Player Development 5-Plex

3:40 PM
Dirtbags 17's 8
Dallas Yankees 15U 0
Fld 5 @ Lee County Sports Complex (Twins)

Yet to Play:

6:00 PM
B Florida Barracudas Baseball
H Dallas Dragons 16u Green
Brett Fld @ Terry Park

8:20 PM
G Team Orlando
H Team DeMarini
Clemente Fld @ Terry Park

8:20 PM
Dallas Dragons 16u Black
Tri-State Arsenal/Cust Diamond Jacks Red
Dunbar High School
Last edited by ACowboyFan
What a great tournament for all but especially the North Texas teams.

The Marshals played very well going undefeated at 8-0. The most runs they allowed was against Team DeMarini at 4. They also pitched three shutouts on the bracket.

Team DeMarini also played well on the bracket by beating perennial national powerhouses Orlando Scorpions, Midland Braves and the #1 Seed Knight's Baseball before losing to the Marshals.

Texas baseball is alive and well.
Not saying that anyone can't beat someone on any given day...that's why they play the game right? The Marshals are a first class organization, and defeated some good teams to win this particular tournament.

However, to say "Maybe East Cobb isn't so big after all" is ridiculous. That's one of the most prestigious if not THE most prestigious baseball organizations in all of select baseball. They have won over 125 National Titles for crying out loud. When you go to the 'alumni' section on their website you have to select players by last name or organization for pro ball, or by the specific college because of the amount of ex-players they have in the college and pro ranks. It's quite impressive. Perfect Game doesn't just choose to play their WWBA summer tournaments there for no reason. East Cobb in addition to being an elite baseball organization has a first class facility and a first class staff. They are 'a big dog' in the select baseball world.

But...they're no DBAT!

No, seriously, East Cobb is the real deal.
Originally posted by BTtheLines:
However, we don't look at the loss as "something going wrong."

The Yankees won their consolation game on Sunday evening, giving them a tournament record of 3-1. Pretty good for the second youngest team at the tournament.

Congrats to the yankees on their wins. No disrespect intended in my post regardless of what LD thinks.

Rebel said the yanks had great pitching. I wasn't questioning that. I didn't see the games. I was thinking about the Lumberjacks game. Assuming the pitching, I was suggesting that maybe the defense wasn't what you'd have liked resulting in the 5 runs allowed. The PG game wraps don't list errors or distinguish ER from R.

Again, with no disrespect to the yanks fine pitcher, I don't consider a line of 5 2/3 IP, 6 hits, 5 runs, 4 bb, 4 k to be a great pitching performance as Rebel characterizes. Just my opinion with the limited info in the line score.

Also my opinion, once the games start its about hitting, pitching, fielding, throwing, and running, not about your age. You don't enter a tourney if you don't feel you match up in those regards. You know the competition going in. Age shouldn't be a crutch or a hammer after its over.

Dillon - That's a lot of EC suc*king up. You interviewing? Wink
PD, no need to suggest I apply the brakes...that is why I have a wife.

Dillon, my comments were not ridiculous at all and they were absolutely meant with respect to the Big Dog of Select Baseball.

I love the model they use and if they called Meat he would consider moving to Atlanta for the summer to play on one of their teams. I have a friend who lives in Marietta and it would be an easy choice to make.

My point was to encourage our Texas team to never play in awe of them or any other team from any where else in this country because Texas baseball is great.

Imagine if Dallas held as many tournaments at the same level that are held at the East Cobb Complex every summer, year in and year out , with all the Top National A Level teams coming here. Playing that level of competition would only make our boys better. More kids would be coming to play here from around state and the country like they do for the East Cobb teams.

East Cobb has a great formula and it produces champions.

I think the Marshals are playing at a high level and might stay there through next summer, they won the Premier League for there age and I think there might have been a "non-mixed" East Cobb team in that tournament.

PS - Maybe the Metro Scout League can grow into a formula that works like East Cobb but for the fall. Also, many of the Marshals played in the Metro Scout League prior to going to Ft Myers, you have to believe that swinging the wood for three weeks before the tournament helped them hit better.

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