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I am really curious. Take a look at the link below that shows all the players going on the 7 Day DL.

Why is this? I've never seen or known THAT many players being injured this early. Are they not coming to Spring training in shape?

7 Day Disabled List

"The difference between excellence and mediocrity is commitment." Twitter: @KwwJ829

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Many are not injured, rather they just don't have room on the rosters at this time, which is limited to 25 and 24 for AAA. The 7 day DL more or less was created for this problem. It allows the player to be on a roster and get paid at the same time and allows the organization to make adjustments instead of releasing players they will need. Some call it the "phantom" DL, and just a legal way of keeping players without being active.

My son is on the 7 DL, but he's really been rehabbing. Smile
Last edited by TPM

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