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Today after watching the USA games during the World Games, I reflected on to my personal experiences in International Baseball with our American National High School teams.

Since Dick Case of USA Baseball provided me the opportunity to organize the Goodwill Series with the National Team of Japan, I have promoted over 750 games with Korea, Japan, China, Australia, Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic and observed each one, including the Mariners minor league team playing the Beijing State Team in 1998.

The International Game is different and I can discuss the 10 minute version or the 10 hour version.

Our American High School players are good [40% of our team have played in the Major Leagues].

To play Internationally, it takes a special player; one who can make the necessary adjustments during the competition, not after the game, a player who has the "fighting spirit" to win as a team. With the count 2-0, expect the "breaking ball", react to the fast ball.

When we travel to Japan in June, we tell our pitchers to visualize pitching to Ichiro.

As a possible answer to the America's future in International Baseball may involve training centers for the 15-18 year old player to learn how to make adjustments and to read the baseball.

Bob Williams
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I heard a very interesting commentary today on the radio.
Callers calling about US losing but to remember that many of the many talented players played for other countries. I haven't been following the games so I am not sure who played for who.
His discussion was on the decline in baseball as our american pastime. He claims it is now third favorite sport amoung our children, with football, basketball ahead. He went on to talk about losing a lot of talent (to baseball) amoung inner city. 11.7 or no scholarships for baseball in colleges.
What I found even more interesting was HOW he felt children were losing interest in the game (very many have no interest at all).
He asked why is the World Series played on school nights when most children are asleep (and the playoffs), don't get into cause of prime time. Why doesn't MLB broadcast games to more cities instead of remaining geographically close (many families can not attend games due to high costs, so why not bring more games on cable (no fee).
I realize this is one man's opinion, but wondering what you thought of his statements.
TPM, Interesting discussion. I do remember listening to World Series during school, sometime teachers had radio on (at least I think I remember hearing it!)
I also think we are losing alot of youth to video games, etc...let me say I don't think video games are "bad", just seems to me there are alot more "weight issues" with kids; sitting around watching TV and playing video games. It would be interesting to know how many current baseball players (of all ages) had a parent who played baseball/softball. Upon casual observance it has always appeared to me to be overly weighted on the side of one parent or both having been a player at one time.
Hi Bob

My son played for you Expos/Brewers, and enjoyed the experience.

Not sure how to read the outcome of the WBC elimination of the USA Baseball Program/MLB because so many of the players that could have helped the team opted to stay in Spring Training Camps...but it doesn't bode well for our image that the last two games where USA played there was controversial plays where it appeared that the umps where trying to help the USA team.

Even the broadcasters felt that the MLB should have provided the best MLB umps. It's to bad that the USA Baseball/MLB Team will be remembered around the world for the controversy and not the find efforts by our players.

I hope that this will be remedied in the future so that our participation in the WBC will grow to be something that we can be proud of and not ashamed of.

I for one watched every game I could and came to the conclusion that the players that participated in the WBC were high quality and fine baseball talents.

I hope that the WBC will grow to be what it should be the "World Series".
Last edited by Ramrod

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