after bashing every one involved in this steroid scandal. and seeing the mistruths and mistakes. why do you think we as adults expect these guy's to be any different than us ? while admittedly much more exepted untruths,we have all told some. such as. i'm sick today i'm not going to work or speeding or maybe taking that gray area deduction on our taxes.
we have all been guilty of a lie or mistruth in our lives ,because we are human and we make mistakes.some will say we are not at the level of these player's. but we are the front line roll models for our youth. why should we expect more from these guy's. because they have money? because they play a game at a very high level? they are human just like us.
while it is a nice winter sport (bashing those who have tarnished the sport we love).and they are easy targets. stop and think for a minute,there are many bigger message's to be read.
we all make mistakes. we want you to own up to these mistakes don't blame them on others.
the truth will come out eventually. you have to live with that untruth, whatever it may be.or however embarrassing. much easier to deal with it now.
think and say thing's as if your mother's watching.if she wouldn't like it chances are it isn't worth doing, and probably not very nice.
nobody walks alone.think of the people effected by your actions. family, friends being dragged along.only because they are friends or family.
politics and politicians are a strange bunch.
while we are not public figures in the spot light,and some will say this is different. we at times are the biggest roll model in our kids lives. is how we deal with this scandel, telling on how we deal with our/their lives ? just something to think about.
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