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- Close play at the plate

- Runner called safe

- catcher starts to jaw with hp ump

- head coach jumps in to save catcher from being tossed

- head coach is tossed

- fan say's "bs"

- fan was not on fence screaming his head off or anything like that, but he said it more or less to fans around him.

- stands were close enough to home plate that hp ump heard fan say "bs"

- hp ump tossed coaches assistant as well for fan cursing

- I'm understanding of head coach being tossed, BUT is it reasonable and normal for assistant to get tossed for fan behavior(?), that in my opinion, as noted, was probably generated more toward the fan next to him than directly at the hp ump

- and NO I'm not the fan that said "bs" Smile, I was on the opposing side but near the "action"....
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I've never tossed a player or coach for what a fan said......

If I eject a participant, its for their actions only...and it will be deserved.....that being said, my ejection record is very low as I dont have a very quick trigger.....

Outside the fence is the responsibilty of the home team AD or onsite rep, which can be the home coach.....My authority extends to those inside the fence.....

You cant control what fans say... I have, however, held up the game until the onsite rep handled unruly spectators......

remember the old saying that "there are always two sides to a story?".....well, this one has about 3 sides and it would be nice to hear one or more of the "other sides" of this situation.....
Last edited by piaa_ump
I agree with half of what you said. Yoy need to keep your ears out of the stands unless it is over the top. Then you do what PIAA said and get the game administration.
As far as coaches are concerned, I will try to difuse a situation, explain what we have but I don't conern myself with a coach that can't keep himself in the game. If he crosses the line then I have no problem with getting rid of him. I disagree with the thought that it is our job to keep a coach in the the game, that's their job. It is our job not to loose our tempers and inflame a situation. Other than that I can toss with the best of them.

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