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and the Dallas Cowboys.

Rule #1 - If you are a rookie - shut your mouth and play.

Rule #2 - If you are going to open your mouth - make sure you dont play like garbage when the game is actually played.

Rule # 3 - If you have to open your big mouth - make sure you do it after you win - and not before.

Bye Bye Dallas - The "Lowly" NY Giants just sent you on your winter vacation. LOL
You spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball, and in the end it turns out that it was the other way around all the time. ~Jim Bouton, Ball Four, 1970
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All hat - no cattle.

Patrick will be eating Doritos next week - most likely with some Hot Salsa - while he is watching the "lowly - starless" NY Giants - play for the Div. championship.

He can then flip the channel - suck a few beers down - and watch the other team he bad mouthed (New England) play for the other league championship.

Enjoy the Doritos Patrick!!!

On the bright side - IMO - a new found sense of respect for Terrell Owens.

The guy comes on - deals with every media s-k-a-n-k after a tough loss - and a tough rapid rehab for a bad ankle - and talks from the heart - and sticks up for his team and his quarterback.

I never thought I would say I would be impressed by this guy - but he sure was impressive after the game. I think this guy finally grew up.

Way to Go Terrell!
I will definitely be rooting for this guy after that press conference.
Last edited by itsinthegame
It will be a GB romp. New York's offense scored a whopping 7 points in the second half yesterday and amassed an impressive 54 total yards in the second half. That won't get it done in GB.

I agree Dallas played poorly in the last 4 weeks of the season, but if anyone thinks New York went into Dallas and really played well and took that game, watch the film.

I have no love for the Packers, but they will destroy NY next a matter of fact, both CS games will be routes as New England will take apart a game, but injured Chargers team.
What does "All Hat No Cattle" mean?

Texans have a phrase "All hat and no cattle." This phrase applies to pretend cowboys that dress and talk the part, pretending to be what they aren't.

Thanks for lassoing this phrase and, very appropriately, booting it into this thread.

Wow...its a keeper!

And by the way...

"Enjoy the Doritos® Patrick!!!"

Oh my its...Patrick must have started early! What's left of his fan club has been cleaning up behind him!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
The only thing that matters is winning the game. You dont move on if you have more yards of total offense. There is one goal and that is find a way to win the game. Dallas was at home against the lowly Giants and they couldnt find a way to win the game. But the Giants did. That is the only thing that matters.

Green Bay might blow them out. But one thing is for sure the Cowboys wont get the chance to beat Green Bay. Why? Because the Giants went in their house and found a way to win. Its that simple.
It will be a GB romp. New York's offense scored a whopping 7 points in the second half yesterday and amassed an impressive 54 total yards in the second half. That won't get it done in GB.

But it got it done in Dallas? Who finished first in the NFC.

I have no love for the Packers, but they will destroy NY next week...

But clearly a Giant hater. I agree that GB is a talented team. Grant and Jennings could be a huge factor, but all I heard was how TO can't be covered, and how the Giants were completely overmatched. I can say this after watching yesterday's game, Romo ran for his life for most of the day and if it wasn't for his legs the sack total could have been easily doubled. Favre's line better show up cuz he doesn't have Romo's legs.
Last edited by Pat H
Originally posted by Pat H:
It will be a GB romp. New York's offense scored a whopping 7 points in the second half yesterday and amassed an impressive 54 total yards in the second half. That won't get it done in GB.

But it got it done in Dallas? Who finished first in the NFC.

I have no love for the Packers, but they will destroy NY next week...

But clearly a Giant hater. I agree that GB is a talented team. Grant and Jennings could be a huge factor, but all I heard was how TO can't be covered, and how the Giants were completely overmatched. I can say this after watching yesterday's game, Romo ran for his life for most of the day and if it wasn't for his legs the sack total could have been easily doubled. Favre's line better show up cuz he doesn't have Romo's legs.

All true and I am not defending Dallas' effort, but I am looking forward, not back. Eli will be Eli next week. His record in the cold weather is horrible and he even admitted he doesn't like playing in the cold. He has played in Tampa and an unseasonably warm Dallas.

Weather forecast for next weekend in Green Bay...high of 8 degrees with snow.
Bottom line, NY came to play. Both teams played sloppy at times, but one played to win. The other played.

I respect TO more after his comments after the game. That was classy.

The other game was similar to the Dallas-NY game. Indy didn't look good and San Diego won with back-ups. Both games were good ones to watch.
Originally posted by Pat H:
Favre's line better show up cuz he doesn't have Romo's legs.

Have you ever actually watched a football game?

Favre has always been very mobile, yes, slowed some by age, but Romo is nowhere near as mobile as Brett. I think you may be the only person in America that's actually seen both play, arguing that point.

Romo is a brick compared to Favre.
Last edited by CPLZ
Have you ever actually watched a football game?

Favre has always been very mobile, yes, slowed some by age, but Romo is nowhere near as mobile as Brett. I think you may be the only person in America that's actually seen both play, arguing that point.

Romo is a brick compared to Favre.

Having played the sport for 10 yrs (at QB), no I haven't Roll Eyes. I merely stated that Romo is more mobile than Favre. Are you honestly going to tell me Brett is more mobile than Romo? Dude step away from the Favre shrine. IMO you can't compare the 2, as QB's. Romo is still too young. As a matter of fact I think Romo shows some of the qualities that has made Favre great. Specifically his ability to improvise whil scrambling. But there's no question Romo is quicker than Favre.
Last edited by Pat H

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