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Originally posted by BlueDog:
Maybe every post not directly related to baseball should be banned. Then deciding what is offensive won't be subjective and decided by a select few. Censorship is a form of morality judgement. Whose morality? Why is one sense of morality better than another?

This sure wasn't your judgement about the Tim Tebow thread you pitched a fit about awhile back....
I'd respond. But I was told not to.
Originally posted by MN-Mom:

I wanted to also add my invitation to stick around. You hit the nail on the head with this quote:

This is stupid.

As ClevelandDad explained, sometimes when a thread has turned into a food fight, it seems to clear the air to just goof off at each other... to be "stupid" on purpose.

Now, who is going to clean the food off of the walls and floor?!?!? Eek

Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by coach2709:
So.......who is USC going to get to be their next head coach?????

So happens some new candidates just came available:

Al Groh - Virginia
Steve Kragthorpe - Louisville
Mike Leach - Texas Tech
Jim Leavitt - USF
Charlie Weis - Notre Dame
Jim Mora - Seahawks
Tom Cable - Oakland Raiders Coming available soon!
Originally posted by itsinthegame:
As long as you dont say anything bad about my Metsies - its all cool.

I've read this whole thread over today and I've learned that at times I should maybe be more sensative with my direction and approach. Today, I've turned over a new leave in life. IT'S, I will not rip your Metsies. All I will say is it would have been so cool if a professional team could have called Shea Stadium home

The new and improved rz1 moves on.
Last edited by rz1

I'm sorry to call you out publicly on this, but I'm going to have to ask why you showed up late for work.

This thread has 6 pages (oops, 7 now), and when was the last time prior to page 6 that you posted one of your classic stress-relieving illustrations? Page 3! As you can see, other members of this team had to pick up the slack by posting pictures.

I sure hope you have a good excuse for your tardiness. Maybe you were only late in small doses? Maybe you only arrived late in order to heal from the 162-thread season and get back to "normal", not to add strength to your posting performance?

Okay then, I guess we can excuse it this time.

Last edited by MN-Mom

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