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for Reggie White.

It may be the wrong sport, but, if we as parents instilled Reggie Whites competitive spirit on the field and the compassion for his fellow man off the field on our kids, the next generation may have a better chance.

In the next couple of days, listen to the White testamonials, you will hear from many different sides, all with the same message. He was a man of conviction, dedication, honesty, and sincerity. At one point in his life he did make negative comments about homosexuality in a government forum which he later stated were religously based and then apologized for using that time to reflect those feelings. Unfortunatly, for the most part many of Whites characteristic traits are not part of todays athletic role models.

When White came to WI to play for the Packers he sent a message to blacks and whites that skin color was not an excuse, and that we are all brothers in the human race.
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We were fortunate enough to have Reggie retire near our community. He was a frequent "inspirational speaker" at our local high school and was a baseball fan. This past spring, you could frequently find him at our high school following his nephew's expoits on our JV baseball team.

He was a very, very special person and will be deeply missed.
I had the opportunity to meet Reggie in person back when he was playing at The University of Tennessee. He is, without a doubt, one of the most impressive people I've ever encountered. Not only was he a dominating physical presence, but he was a charismatic presence as well. Later in life he created some controversy with his commentary on various matters, but you could never doubt his sincerity.

Condolences to Reggie's family.

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