I just stumbled onto this incredible website and I am amazed at the amount of information and help I am sure this will bring to my family. I'm sure this has been addressed before, but I hope you can indulge me as I am new.I'm sure these are feeling felt by all of us.
My son plays baseball. My son eats, drink and sleeps baseball. My son has dreamed of baseball since he was 2. My son has the trophies, the awards, the game balls,the cleats on the floor, the dirt in the room,the seeds in the dryer ( I thoght I was the only one, but reading other posts it's obvious I'm not! ),and the uniforms from current and past years hanging proudly in the closet as trophies in their own rights.But what am I most proud of?
I am most proud of the fact that he is my son.He has been given a talent and this talent has given him opportunities. I have seen baseball help mold him into an incredible young man. The bond he has with his teamamtes and the bond he has with his coaches has given is something that will continue to guide him as he continues through high school and hopefully college.
So as I watch him play, I look at him as a baseball player, but most importantly as my son. The young man that will soon be a man.And know that our guidance will help him become the man he will necome. But baseball and his experinces in baseball will play a big part of that too.And to me that's priceless.
Thanks for the opportunity to be a bit mushy....and I look forward to meeting those of you who have more experience at this than I .My son is entering his junior year and as I can see form all of the information on this site, the fun (?)or work is just beginning!
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