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My son is a Junior on our varsity high school baseball team. He is on a team where his positions are dominated by seniors and the head coach is extremely ( to a fault) loyal to his seniors. ( no matter how many errors or strike outs they have or games they cost him)He will not replace them and give some of his younger players a chance (I know , I know , I sound like every other disgruntled parent , but I promise you that is not the case.)
I'm not saying that my son is D1 material or Draft material , but he would like to play college baseball and he needs to get some innings to have some stats to get a look from some colleges. What do you do if you can't get in to play to get a look from colleges?
I'd be really interested to hear from any high school or college coaches out there as well as any other parents who have any experience with this?
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I don't think that the colleges are going to look at his stats - they are going to look at his skills. Stats in High school are always suspect anyway.

If you look at the recruiting timeline here:

you will see that this is a very important summer. He needs to be out there doing summer camps and showcases - and getting exposure to the college programs that he is interested in.

These showcases and camps are actually a better way to get the exposure that he needs than his high school team.

Good Luck
Most college coaches have what might be best described as “tunnel vision”! By tunnel vision I mean they tend to evaluate a prospect’s tools based on what THEY SEE and don’t make their decisions based on high school lineups cards, newspaper clippings, and home cooked stat sheets. Be sure your son gets on a good summer team and explore the showcases in your area so he can get some exposure. Don’t waste your time trying to modify your son’s situation at his current school. You (and your son) need to be proactive and attempt to make things happen away from the high school baseball field. I am in agreement with 08Dad, check out the recruiting timeline on the HSBBW and see if you can get some ideas on how to make things happen. Control what you can ---- and don’t worry about what you can’t!
Last edited by Fungo
It works both ways.
I know a young man who lost his starting spot his senior year because the coach was pushing the under classmen "for the future" since they didn't really have the team they needed to make a play-off run....he ended up on a college team by contacting coaches and selling his skills at face-to-face try-outs with the school. He started on his college team as a freshman.
Go to the college camp's of your choice.
Then go to a Showcase are 2.
Then play in only the high Profile Tournament's if possible.
then your Summer Team.

In that Order.
If you Have the Talent they will notice you and give you a shot.
Not your HS Team, Not your Summer Team.
That's a good place to see you Play, but only if they know who you Are.
Academic's will get you to College faster then being a good baseball player. JMO

the EH
I guess I was being a little bit selfish , cause that would suck way worse than sitting as a junior. I guess the moral of the storie is that there is hope even with out high school exposure. The remedy seems the same either way. I just really appreciate the positive input from others trying to help with this problem, great suggestions all!
Originally posted by bluesky:
It works both ways.
I know a young man who lost his starting spot his senior year because the coach was pushing the under classmen "for the future" since they didn't really have the team they needed to make a play-off run....he ended up on a college team by contacting coaches and selling his skills at face-to-face try-outs with the school. He started on his college team as a freshman.
Most hs coaches will play the seniors over the underclassmen in respect to the fact that for many of the boys it will be their last season.

Understand that their are senior class player's parents that will also be wondering just as well why their son aren't playing when the they have being supporting the program and their son's have spent all that time and effort to qualify to be a player on the team.

There are college sports camps set up for high school players to get the visibility with colleges.

Stanford Baseball Camp is one of the best. Here is the website for others:
If you do nothing else get on a summer team that is not affiliated with your high school or high school coach. Travel a bit if yoou need to. You have a big summer ahead of you. If you cannot get on one of the top teams in your area get on a team that plays the top teams. Even if a scout is coming to watch the other team they have to see your son as well. Best of luck

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