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Many colleges will have a "junior day" where you can go and watch a game. I don't know about the "game of your choice" I'm sure others will fill you in.
Good luck!

"People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring." Rogers Hornsby, Hall of Famer

I always recommend that our players and their parents visit as many campuses as you can, even if it is just to drive thru the look around

The more you see the more you have in terms of comparison when it comes to making the DECISION.

When we play on college campuses I tell the players and their parents to go visit other schools in the area to get more of an idea as to what is out there for them.

You never lose when visiting--you just add more info to the mental data bank


Lets put it this way-- if you call the college in question and tell them that you are playing those two days , can I visit on another day--after all your son is a junior and it is an "unofficial" visit --- what do you think the college coach will think?--He will think highly of your son for thinking of his team first and the coach will find another day to visit. "unofficially".

Harm done--who knows?--- the HS coach may give his blessing but what about the kids on the team-- what will they think????

If you have an alternative method --I say use it


I would have to agree with TR on this one. The college coach surely will understand your sons commitment to his hs team - after all he wants the same level of commitment to his team over the next few years.

Your attendance at Jr. day helps the coach determine just how interested you are in their program. They will learn the same thing if you explain the hs schedule confict and make arrangements to visit at another time. Make it really close to their Jr. day and it will keep you fresh in their mind with the others.

If a coach's interest is lessened or eliminated because you did not make the Jr. day (knowing it was due to hs schedule conflict) he is telling you something very important. He has dozens of other strong options or his interest in you is not that strong to begin with.

A coach who feels you would be a worthy addition to his roster is not going to give up on you so easily.
What will you do if they invite him in the fall and their is a Travel game? Or next Jan/Feb? If he was a Senior I'd say go, as a Junior I think TR is right. Credibility and Loyalty are a BIG item.

Good Luck!

"If you can imagine it you can create it. If you can dream it, you can become it". William Arthur Ward

"Baseball is Life"

My 05 son has had several schools offer him unofficial visits. One school offered him a tour and meeting with the financial advisors and coaching staff. Another one sent him an invite to opening day dinner on a weeknight. It would have been logistically impossible to get him back in time for classes the next day. Another school that he's interested in is about 1,500 miles away. They've offered game tickets and said they'd love to have him come out. A couple of closer schools have offered tickets, too. Many of the coaches that he's called have invited him out to see a game.
He's very interested in several schools at this time. If he goes to a game from a logistically closer school, is it going to send the wrong message to the other schools that are further away? Because he would love to visit the schools that are further away, too. But, between work-outs, college exams and school, his schedule is packed.
This is the first I've heard that schools would blow a kid off for not making an unofficial visit.
Any advice is appreciated. Thanks HSBBWEB.
Have to chime in and say that I really agree w/TRHit on this. First, because I can't imagine a high school coach letting a starting player miss a game during the season and second, because I can't imagine a college program that thinks that is okay. Am I missing something? Every school that we talked with during the recruiting process was VERY respectful of the high school game schedules - if a college coach is intimating that they will 'blow you off' for not missing a game to come visit them on an un-official visit, I would really wonder what kind of program they are running.

Pay attention to the feedback that takes you where you want to go!
My son received many invitations for Junior day, baseball games, unofficial visits. Since lots were out of state it was literally impossible to go, however we did attend one in the state and found out that it was one of many junior days for the school. After that my son decided it was more important to stick to his HS schedule. Those same schools offered official visits last fall, so in no way did it affect the recruiting process later on. However, do contact the coaches directly to thank them and let them know attending is really difficult,they remember that more than who attended.

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