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Two outfielders collided in a game this morning, and one was taken away by medical helicopter due to his injury. I am sure the family and friends of the injured player would appreciate any positive thoughts and prayers you may have.

There were varying reports on his injury so I won't indulge in speculation.
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Initial reports... Concussion! Still serious, but it looks like he will be OK. I hope those reports are correct. When we find out more I will post.

It's unbelievable how hard these kids play and how serious they are. We are out at the park at 6:00 in the morning... It is pitch dark out at that time. Players are waiting to get in.

I really think younger kids could learn a lot watching how these excellent players go about things down here.
Latest word is that Connor Fikes CF for the Dallas Tigers is going to be fine. I talked to his dad and coach Tommy Hernandez about all of this. His dad was very glad that the cat scans came out well and it looked like Connor is going to be OK. Connor did suffer a severe concussion and will spend the night in the hospital and should be released tomorrow. His dad said the first thing out of Connor's mouth when he came to was when is the next game.

I didn't see the collision but veteran Yankee's crosschecker, Tim Kelly, said it was the worst one he had ever seen. Connor's teammate ended up with a broken nose and a mild concussion.

BTW, Connor Fikes is a very, very, good player, he had already driven in a couple runs earlier in the game.

When the helocopters fly in, baseball seems so unimportant.
Great news.

Everyone fears the word "helicopter" and "child's sporting event" used in the same sentance. I was listening on the radio when a kid was paralized at ASU this spring. I later heard from the coach's how horrible the experience was.

This sounds like a positive result, even though any concussion is significant, especially the severe ones. At least all the parts move and we can all thank God for that.
This situation was very scary. Yesterday I must have had 20 scouts ask me how the kid is doing. Even MLB scouts know there are things more important than baseball.

Everyone handled this well. The Dallas Tiger coaches, the trainers, the emergency staff on the ground, in the air and at the hospital did an outstanding job and lets don't forget Dad and what he went through or Mom back at home. I can only imagine how mom felt waiting to hear about her son. Must have been a great relief when she finally talked to him on the phone.

This one seems, hopefully, to have turned out as well as could be expected. I cringe whenever I think about the days when things didn't turn out so well.

BTW, these two kids (Connor Fikes and Jared Wilson) who collided play at the same high school (Rowlett TX). Both real good players, both outstanding kids.
This situation was very scary

I had a kid fracture one of his cervical vertebrae this fall. As I laid there on the field holding his head and neck, I never thought it was actually that serious. I just took precautions because.. well that's what you do when those symptoms present themselves.

It was as if a ton of bricks hit me when I found out that night...

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